Alright, here's one of the top current small saw firewood asassinsout there. Mastermind port work is mandatory in my eyes 261c...only saw I have right now though....
this morning, nice size older oak, just snapped the last good size branch off recently. 261c 18" .325 RS
honestly this doesn't take long to block with sharp RS chain. really doesn't work the saw hard imo either, it's a good 26" red oak, not very dry yet though...
Welcome to FHC! Chris F ....Looks like you've got some nice wood stacks going on. Beautiful saw you've got too!
Ok just picked up this saw last week and cut 4 cord of Oak & Maple with it. Blows right through those big trees.
This saw belongs to a friend of mine. Husqvarna 61/272xp. Its a hot rod. It runs great and looks awesome!
Sunfish, I know you like the 346xp's..and for good reason. If a guy was looking for a great firewood saw in a husky/jonsered make, would you rather have a 555 or 562xp? Price has equal weight as other considerations. No bars over 20" needed in this case.
my to buy list of currently made saws go like this:husky 555, dolmar 5105, stihl 461 Alright, I just woke up... maybe some day
Rather have the 555. I like the 562xp, but like the small mount bar better & the no silver paint on the 555. Power is very close