Weather took a turn towards the bitter tonight, on my forth load of pine, got the house up from 57 to 68. Next load will be real wood!
No argument there. Good for bring the temp up quick, going to put on something a bit longer lasting next, though.
I like pine for the "quickie" fires......not to mention lots of poppin' and cracklin'..... No fire for us tonight, talk about crazy weather!! It was 67' this evening, only supposed to go down to 50' the stove and fireplace get a break this evening......... Bummer.....
46 today with fairly strong NW gusts at times.Rain after lunch yesterday.Front moved in from the west on schedule,slow warmup even with the rain.At 8PM hit the high for the day - 58 degrees,yet barely 60 miles to my SW it was already down to 40. Burning a small chunk of pine,with a small Apple ugly now.Pretty good heat for no more than what's there.....
I failed to get tin on my longleaf pine stacks and they are too damp to burn yet. Had a few splits of SYP sitting in the stack from last year but they went away last weekend. Got a front moving through tonight, humid and mid 70's today mid 50's tonight, and then back to 62/38 for the weekend - thus is shoulder season in the south
It's 67 degrees back in the woods, not burning chit tonight but that will change with the cold front coming in. We've had our shoulder season wood covered for about two months, with the rain coming in we finally covered the cherry, beech and sugar maple that we plan on burning this heating season.
Let the stove go cold after the Monday night load. 61 here right now but supposed to drop off through the day tomorrow. Low 30's in the forcast for tomorrow evening. I'll fire it back up when I get home around 6. We'll let the boiler run until then...I like to use it just to make sure it is fine. I saw Swags had a nice porch full of splits the other day so now that we turned the clocks maybe I could stop along the road and fill the back seat up in the dark.....shhhh he'll never know.
Stove got the last couple days off. But down to 40, rain, and 30 mph winds so she is back fired up for a quickie. Going down to 30 so will be firing up a partial load in the morning. Running on a couple 2-3" pieces of silver maple and one 5" piece of cottonwood.
We are having crazy weather right now ! It's dropping in to the 30's tonight from the high 40's all in about 2 hours.
It's staying pretty cold here according to the ten day, only two days hit 50 and still below freezing at night. Could be worse, though.