Well I finally had a free weekend and decided to tackle the disaster AEP left me on the very front of my property. I have been dreading and avoiding this mess and you will soon see why. I cleaned a trail through here about three years ago to get to a huge cherry tree that was down but haven't touched it since then so the first order of the day was to get in to the wood. Got it opened up a bit. And here is the mess I'm talking about. In all honesty it was horrible everything was tangled so bad I didn't even know where to start so I just started sawing and I figured it would work itself out. It eventually did and I was able to get the loader close enough to lify and buck some trees. I then started throwing chains on large logs and dragging them out of the mess just to free them up. This is what the end of the trail looked like about a 45 minnutes after starting up the saw.
Finally got through Getting started on the splitting My wife came out to help when I got out the splitter First trailer load of the day
Here is a bit of the stuff I had to drag out of the mess so I could get in there. I will get to it tomorrow or next weekend Ended up with 1 & 1/3 trailers full and it's all stacked. The whole thing was time consuming trying to cut, untangle, and drag brush/wood out. I still have a bunch more to go but there is always tomorrow I guess. I was really hoping to have more done today.
AWESOME ! Nice set up. Guessing AEP is your local power company ? How much wood do you think you'll get out when done ? No rush, good to have some fun projects hanging around & give you some exercise
Nice work Certified! That is time consuming stuff. Now matter how you look at it and the best thing to do is take your time and be safe. The way you did it.
Nice work Certified, by the looks of it you did a great job. The clearing of trails can be a pain but boy is it worth it.
Great job man, you made good progress Isn't it the truth though, It just seems it usually takes longer than you want it to or expect it to
Those tangled sticks and tops take way more time than the real wood work. Looks like ya got a lot done in spite of the mess. That loader must come in handy...
Thanks, Yeah AEP is the local power company. I'm guessing around two cords? Thanks, It is definitely nice once they are opened up. Good eye, there is a little bit of poplar in there along with Walnut, White oak ( i forgot what a stringy mess that stuff is), Cherry, and Maple. It was quite the hodge podge but it was down and needed cleaned up so I'm taking it You got that right......... Lots of cutting and piling. Once the cold weather hits I will be burning the brush piles as I can't stand to that stuff hedge rowed for all the briars to start growing through.
Certified, nice work! I see what you were talking about. Plant life can take over in no time. Looks great after you cleared it. You got a lot done today!
After church this morning and a quick trip to town for some bar and chain oil I was able to get back out today and get after it a bit more. I got one full load of pine rounds from the steepest part of the hill. About half of them I had to buck where there were and the other half was sort of bucked in long pieces that I rolled off the hill. Got the first load up to the splitting area and trimmed every piece that needed trimming. Then I went back for the second load which was mostly white oak, red oak and persimmon. Same thing with that load I had to trim about half the pieces to length when taking them off the trailer. Now I have about 1.5 cords of wood ready for splitting and the 3 logs still left to buck. Didn't have as much time for pics today as I was racing to beat the sunset. Dave I may have been wrong on the estimated amount of wood.....I thinking closer to 3 cords now.
Not sure how it burns yet...... I have maybe a dozen of them on my property but I have never had to cut any of them up. To be honest the tree was maybe 12" in diameter and by the time it's mixed in with other wood I probably wont even notice it. Yeah the little kubota has been pretty good to me. I use it for bushogging plowing the drive in the winter, firewood, and garden tilling and just about everything else I can think of.