I moved a gas stove (woodstock cottage franklin) that never worked right after the move to the basement of a new to me home. After much frustration, i gave up trying to fix it myself (a factor to consider when buyig with no dealer network). I got that woodstock as a factory demo and paid $1,200 for it back in 2011, so i got my value from it. Fast forward to 2025, and i bought this regency gas stove unit. 38,000 btu, remote with thermostat, and a remote adjustable blower motor. Very happy with this stove. Vented out the side of tbe house similar to a dryer.
Only gas stove I have any personal experience with was the one that was in the lake house my wife & I honeymooned in. April of 2018. Glover VT on Shadow Lake. Still a foot or more of snow on the ground and the lake was completely frozen over. The seemingly little gas stove was an absolute powerhouse. If I recall correctly it was on a T-stat but we bypassed it and set it up/down as we were so inclined. I was a fan. I think it was a regency. I know you said you're very happy with it. Letting it run around the clock or just letting it kick on when you're going to be in the basement?
At that point a modern HE gas furnace would be more efficient and likely cheaper in the long run (although without "fire TV")
I stand corrected! It was indeed propane. I remember the large white tank on the side of the house. Was def warm in there though!
the gas stove requires no ducts( which I don’t have),no power, is silent, and radiates heat like a woodstove.
We have a gas main literally across the street (probably 150' from where I'm sitting now) and we can't get gas. (It's a high pressure line, and they refuse to put a regulator on it to feed a house)