We're having cellulose insulation added over the existing fiberglass batts in our attic above the top living space and I noticed there are some boards in two corners of the attic that partially go over the joists. I was wondering if they can be removed without causing any issue so that cellulose can go over the batts where they are but I don't know why they are there in the first place. I have a picture. Does anyone know why these would be there?
It looks like someone put plywood over the existing batts to have a solid surface to store stuff without the chance it coming thru the ceiling into the living space.
Yeah I thought that...i just want to make sure these aren't structual for some reason before i rip them out
You can rip them out. Or, as I did, use some 2*4s to elevate them so more insulation can be put under them if you can use the storage. When insulating the attic, don't forget to first foam (great stuff) all the seams around the top plates of every wall, and caulk all electrical penetrations. It'll make the insulation twice as effective.
They were probably put there to hold everything square being a rafter roof system, trusses use diagonal bracing. Personally I would just leave them there. And as far as the insulation make sure they do not block any venting in the roof system.Raising the height you might need to add baffles.
Could be that the basic framing is designed for different configurations of completing the interior of the house and there are several pre-made places for attic access. Depending on which design is used, the other two would be just covered with plywood. The builders did the framing for my bathroom similar (1960 house). When I took all the wallboard off, I saw it had framing for a second door that came off a bedroom. This is a small bathroom and it would literally not have room for a 2nd door to be used - you would need to sacrifice a standard fixture (the toilet, sink or shower would have to go). I surmise if the house had been finished differently, that it would have been the bathroom for a master bedroom. But, since it is the only bathroom in the house, they finished it so the doorway is in the hallway instead.
Are the plywood pieces near the access to the attic. That is where they would be if they were being used for storage. If not close then probably some other purpose. How are they fastened down? Is the nailing per structural specifications or just casual. Interesting that they are placed in corners. Does the plywood go under the plate of the pony wall or gable end framing that we see? If it doesn't and the nailing is casual then I agree it could probably be removed. If it does and the nailing is structural and on all joists then it was put in during construction and before the walls. I would then inspect things a little closer to see if it's purpose might be to provide resistance against racking or horizontal shear.