The wood pile doesn't refill itself. Found this for free on FBM. There's 2 more trailers full worth. It's 9 only about 9 miles away from my house. All ash. A lot of it is cut to length but some needs shortening. Some is short, over 99% of it is solid and will be ready to burn next year after split and stacked. I'll go over tomorrow morning for loads 2 and 3.
Nice find Hork! Random lengths are a pain but if it works for you all the power to ya. Dead/down ash that's not punky is getting to be scarce around here.
Ok, loads 2 and 3 today. Here's load 2 unloaded. And load 3 in the trailer. There's 1 more load at the guy's house. Maybe not a full load left, but probably closer to another full load than not. My trailer holds 2/3 of a cord when filled like this. 3 loads already is 2 full cords. So there's somewhere between 2 -1/3 cord to 2 -2/3 of a cord I'll have collected when I'm done. I'll wait until this crap snow melts to get the rest. I'll also start working on right sizing the rounds, then splitting them.
I'll go back for the last load this weekend. Probably tomorrow because Sunday it's supposed to rain. Then I'll need to resize and split this score up.
Good find that cut out a lot of steps to get it ready to finish processing. Gotta be happy with that.
why is it that when i finally have some free time to css this weekend, the weather goes against me. Oh well, splitter needs a new valve, which I have sitting there. Maybe string some wiring for 220v up to garage.
Nice. I've been watching fbmp but scores seem to be scarce right now, or they're asking for $$. That'll definitely be ready this fall.