Let me check on the location of the one we don’t use anymore. No name brand but works fairly well IIRC. I’ll mail it to you, Denny.
I always end up using the shop vac as well, seems to have the most suction and gets into the tight spots. Sent from my SM-S536DL using Tapatalk
Do you have any Milwaukee tools, Backwoods? I have their little 18 volt portable that I have been using for about a year. Not bad. Not super powerful but gets the job done. I used to have a shop vac Hang Up model that I really liked due to a smaller diameter hose that had to be 20' long. I knocked it off the wall and broke the housing on it. Milwaukee has replaced it since. It was similar to this one and very powerful for no bigger than it is. https://www.northerntool.com/products/shop-vac-hang-up-pro-vacuum-4-5-hp-5-gallon-165-cfm-168006
Another vote for shop vac type from here. Just unwind the extension cord and knock yourself out. Weve tried "car vacs" and have never been satisfied with their performance.
A shop vac has been working well. I have to do mine often as my dog rides in the truck and sheds like crazy and it's white hair on black interior.
Dyson rechargeable vacuum is what we use. It also does the house vacuuming . No cords to get tangled up in.
Ooof. Like everything they require more dollars to procure. I think I paid around $90 for my hangup model at lowes. It was a few years back.
I bought this one to use in the semi & it works well, easy to pull the filter & clean. It comes with 3 tips.
Yes but not a big one. It is nice for most spots except I use the shop vac on the floorboards and trunk. All is well.
Well as wacky as this sounds.... I use an air hose. Open all the doors outside on a nice day , remove any mats or loose objects then take the blow-gun on the air hose and blow it out. I find if I sort of blow out from the opposite side towards the open door it works great and seems to do a job as good as a vacuum or even better.
LOL!!! I've used my gas powered blower to do the same except both doors are open. Quite the cloud comes out!
With two Labs, I occasionally roll all the windows down and open the sunroof for a few minutes while at highway speeds. Certainly gets rid of a lot of dog hair, then it's shop vac time for all the leftover hair which is usually bunched together after.