I’ll keep the words simple so Brian doesn’t have to use AI. I’m laying around after work thinking about what I need to do before heading to Pa in the morning and there’s a knock at the door. I answer the door and immediately recognize the drug addled tree guy. I say what’s up Gray, he wobbles a bit and says who are you? I say a few things to help him make a connection. He says he’s doing work nearby and stopped to see if I wanted some white oak Got things to do, but I’m going to wait to see if I get a load of twisty limbs and I don’t want chainsaws to disappear. I can take the FHC board with me in the morning if someone wants to pick it up in Pittsburgh, so I don’t get fined. I’ll post pics if Gray remembers talking to me and finds his way back.
I’ll put it in my personal use stack. I’m not picky about what I burn. His 2 ton was packed so tight he had to jerk it twice to dump it. I’ll have to move it all to open up the road.
Looks like its time to add a 241 to the line up. I don't mind some limb wood mixed in but that's a bit much. At least its white oak.
Just cxurious. Why dont you like limb wood? I fel all my wood and if it is 4 inchs and over, its comming home with me. Just wunderin.
Ive gotten so used to cutting roadside clean up wood where limbs 6"and under (for the most part) doesn't exist as it gets chipped. My new source for wood is a tree service yard that lets me cut any log I want from his piles. So I guess I'm just spoiled at getting truck wood. Not knocking it all all in terms of firewood. I had a small pile of it hanging around the wood yard and bucked it up the other day and it seemed to make the old back hurt more. Of course, seems anything firewood related these days makes the old back sore. In the rare case I harvest a full tree I will take down to 3" wood. Cut three Red maples and did such back in December. Chud seems to bring home mostly trunk wood from what I've seen in his posts.
My top reason is time and fuel efficiency. It will take more tractor time to get it moved out of my way. More saw time to process. I sell wood and one of my best customers said no limb wood. It’s more work for less wood. The inconsistent lengths will result in more waste that has to be moved. Trunk wood is more bang for your buck and makes nice straight splits.
I love that 6"-8" diameter limb wood. You're not busting your back and one pass through the 4 way on the splitter and it's done.
I take limbwood down to 3" if it's handy. They don't get split unless they are 4-1/2" or larger. White oak limbs are almost always like what you have there in my woods. There are straight pieces to be had but lots of crook also. I get decent limb wood off of sugar maple it seems. Red oaks as well.
I take limb wood like that no problem. Especially if it's white oak. My wife loves to have pieces like that too load in the insert during the day. 1 splitters I call them. I'll take primo wood, anything box elder and better btu wise really, down to 2-3 in diameter.
I'd be happy to have access to that size wood, for personal use. If no $'s are involved, then even better!
I just bought a 2021 3500hd duramax crew cab 4x4 dump truck so ima be working real hard at farwood for a couple more years. Pics tomorrow when I get home. I can pack 1/3 cord behind the front seats.
Cut and burn limb wood all the time, down to embarrassing small diameter. Will admit though, they take a lot of time for what you get. However I cut mostly long dead oak and the small limbs are bone dry and used that evening after cutting for "stick fires" in the insert during shoulder season. I have kept my house comfortable doing that for last couple weeks.