After Hurricane Helene dropped a couple trees on some close friends house, they decided to have all the pines around their property taken down. Well, we got the job... Started yesterday, with 1 blow down and dropped 9 more... Discussion, discussion... First tree to take down... Not to proud to say, it didn't go as planned. I discovered later that I had cut a Dutchman, and cut through part of the hinge. Tree fell to the right, nobody was hurt and it didn't land in the road... Sure made me be extra careful the rest of the day... We got the stump up from the blow down... Got busy with more trees These didn't require any Kubota help... Last 2 of the day were limb heavy towards adjoining property and road. Wedge and Kubota worked well... Took down 9 trees and cleaned up blown down... Got 2 loads delivered to chip mill, total of 12.5 tons... Lots more to cut...
Nice pics T.Jeff Veal in the north a lot of those pines get black ants that eat the center out of trees.. makes for hollow rounds and hard to control take down
Eggshooterist the little JD did good today. We had to tag team to get this big stump up... We also tag teamed on carrying logs to the pile... Had to about drag that big stump to the burn pile... Got 2 other stumps out too... It was too windy to take down trees, so we worked on clearing blow downs... We did drop this bad leaner, it was over the area we were working... there are a couple more leaning, but they are against other trees Pictures of the place, nearly all these pines will be cut... Upper side behind house Lower front yard, looking west. We started on the far end of this area... Lower back yard, her brother's property is to the left. We are cutting most of the trees back to the stump and getting that wood too, if it landed on our friend's property. Her brother said he can't afford to have it cleaned up. Chip mill has cut off pine right now, so we just stacked till a later date... Probably take a break today, too windy to be working in the woods...
Just out of curiosity, what does a load like you have pictured go for at the mill? Wish I could get money for pine around here.
Nice work folks. I cant say I've ever felled a tree cutting that close to the ground so I imagine its easy to mess up the cut. Glad there was no collateral damage. Just curious Jeff, those trees you took down don't appear to be a hazard to any structures. Why didn't they keep them?
Nice work TJV. Glad that one had enough room to fall w/o interference! Chit happens. I’d be darn temped to get a band mill if I were in your shoes. Sure do get some nice ones.
Nice, straight trees there. Kind of a shame they are taking so many out. Glad you got a job out of it!
Haven't gotten the check yet. We carried a similar load of sweet gum and water oak to mill, got $22/ton for it. Hope we can get $20/ton for pine. Wish there was a pine sawmill close here. We sold some oak saw logs for $55/ton.
I really don't know, they have had some in the back lot die that we took down several times. Some of the others in the yard could reach their house.
I know what you mean...I don't have time to get all the hardwood processed for farwood. We know a couple folks close that have mills. We're trying to use totes for wood now and not build more sheds.
Some are really good trees, others have some bad defects in them. Trying to help our friends out. No logger would touch a small trac like this.
Why don't you save the water oak? Surprised you dont. Meant to ask you the other day when you mentioned this.