10/65 Hopefully get into the low 40's today. Freezing rain tonight tomorrow and them another dump of snow for wed.
40* last night, 54* today. Burning scraps of Doug Fir bark and misc. odd splits and pieces. Looks like here in the NW we are moving to the routine where we let the morning fires go out at noon. A wheel barrow of splits brought into the garage lasts a long time under this kind of use!
35/76 white oak, Been having only evening fires here. Going to be in the 50s the next few days and rain so a nice mud mess.
After reading some of the recent temps yinz are having, I feel blessed to have 30* at the moment. Hitting mid 40s today 50s to follow with rain. Burning odds and ends. BL bark fire last night.
32/69 with rain/drizzle going on. Well, the forecast is for snow and winds to begin this evening at 7. 12" to 18" and winds has power outage written all over it. With temps in the upper 20's, it's going to be heavy snow. We'll see............
It rained last night. Had to put my ice fishing gear away for the season. Only made it out twice. Moved my stack of freshly milled 2x10’s into the shop before the rain so I can work today. I also brought in a FULL cart of oak last night and had a fire. The house is still comfortable right now, but might need a fire before tonight to drive the moisture out. Mud everywhere.