I'm looking for a 50cc saw to replace a Husqvarna 450e (Rancer-ish) saw. The Home Depots around here still have some CS-4910s leftover founder $400. I want a pro saw and am very tempted to just order a CS-501P, but that's going to cost more than $100 more. How much different are the two saws? Many say the two are close to identical. All input is greatly appreciated, thank you!
The 4910 is the exact same saw as the 501p except a few minor parts ( captive bar nuts , different color clutch cover, and different handle) I have the 4910. Excellent saw.
I went with the more expensive version (not a fan of plastic hoops). No regrets. There's no wrong choice here AFAIC. I did get a 15% discount on the 501 which brought selling price down to just under 500. When you get one, address the muffler outlet.
I like the color of the 4910 better, too. For about $55, he can get the aluminum handle and rubber rear handle to make it like the 501P.
Grab that 4910 while you can, the 4920 is a different design. Send it to huskihl for XS treatment...it will outcut bigger saws...