That's hard to deal with I had to deal with It January of last year , I know what you all are going through
29 going to 50. Kentucky coffee tree and half of a large pine round. Need to bring a load of wood in from the stacks. Its going to be tight with the rest of this years supply. I dont want to cut in to my over run stack. I would be in good shape if I didn't give away a load of splits to my sister and brother-in-law.
Nice that you can get BL and HL. I pretty much just have access to all the oak species and an occasional hickory and I can still find some solid ash. I did find a big black birch a few years ago, burnt some of that last week in our cold weather, really like it!
Just saw this. Sorry for you and you wife’s loss. I’ve cried far more tears for dogs than I have for people.
I have been having very mild temps here. 50 on Sunday, 40's yesterday and mid 30's for today. Overnight temps have been right around the freezing mark. Freezing rain forced a lot of schools to close yesterday as the roads were treacherous. The grader finally made an appearance and scraped down all the buildup that was on the road. Sure needed that! Thanks to that and the sunshine yesterday, the road is bare asphalt once again! No more bumpy goat trail that throws you around wherever it pleases. 32/65
You have been ahead of us, but we did get to 49 yesterday. Great! No supposed to be that high today. Last night and the night before we did not get below freezing. Spring birds can't be too far away.
Not necessarily. Our biggest snows usually come in March. Or we get nothing in March. It's a crap shoot. I'm hoping I'm done. Just an evening fire to take the chill off for the next few weeks then start on the garden. My name is Mike, and I'm a hoarder.
I got a fire going this morning but I have not added any wood since. It is now in the 50's so there will be no fire until tomorrow morning.