Ladies & Gents, Dennis/Backwoods Savage has passed the torch of the GTG on to me and my clan. This year's event will be in the Wayland / Gun Lake Michigan area. Two venues close together, with ample parking & camping space. We will have a few hook ups for campers, running water to fill tanks etc. Dates are : April 25th & 26th. Main Address : 1087 S. Patterson RD. Wayland MI 49348. You can Google Affordable Repair Services for street view pics etc. Anyone that wants to come Wednesday or Thursday is more than welcome as well. I would like to get a rough headcount by the end of March to plan for camping area setup etc. There are two relatively nearby hotels as well. Best Western in Wayland, and Holiday Inn Express in Hastings. I'm sure there are local B & B's as well, but I don't know them. Ask any questions here, or by text or phone. Please include your name in a text as I don't have some members saved in my phone. Looking forward to seeing everyone in April. We'll do our best to maintain Denny's tradition of hosting a great gathering. Adam aka Amateur Cutter 269-838-6891
I'm in. Bringing my 17ft camper. I'll have my lil generator for power. I may need to top off the water tank at some point. I'll bring a jug in case.
amateur cutter did you mean April 25-26, Friday and Saturday rather than April 24-25? Let me know and I can change the dates in your post.
Consider this your first demerit!! LOL You still did much better with your dates than Scottie and Big Joe!
Adam, amateur cutter , I'm only a half hour away from you. If you need any help leading up shoot me a PM. If I stay there that weekend I'll just crash in my truck. I can get a WSM and/or a Flat rock over there if more cooking options are needed.
You sir are hired! Thank you! My intention is to close up shop Wednesday and prep my area. Thursday will be set up at the other sight on 2nd street. Your help there would be much appreciated.