buZZsaw BRAD I finally got to the place where I could take pics showing how I prevent stacks from toppling over. First pic shows my 32 inch 2x4's, with my gloves on them, sticking out from the row behind them. Second pic are a few of the 2x4's I had already removed from the stack. For some reason I had those 2x4's down low on those rows. Pic's 3&4 show the same thing, except those are place higher in the rows. The last pic is of one 2x4 straddling the two rows. I use the same technique when I am stacking wood outside right after splitting and the wood is still green. The rows can have space between them and the 2x4's will still stabilize the stacks. Hope this makes sense.
I familiar with the technique but with the amount of tilt at 6'+ tall I don't think it would work. Appreciate the pics
Moved the bundle splits from yesterday over and stacked. Fifth row nearing the top. Found a decent 2x6 last week and had added the two diagonal braces. Only work done on the shed.
It is interesting pattern. Yesterday wood was very fresh cut and rare it makes it into the shed that soon. The SS woods get mixed in little by little as do the primo hardwoods (mostly sugar maple) I have those put aside. Red maple and cherry are the two species that I'll use by themselves in bundles as they have about the same drying time and weight. Did you see the pics of the shed from last year? Kinda resembled a hamburger in the buns.
I use that system to tie together 5 rows in my shed. I don't know why you couldn't tie more rows together.
This was the first half of the original shed. Looks like a hamburger. Bottom was mostly sassafras, center was ash and top cherry
Moved the last of the bundle wood from this week today. Mostly sugar maple and cottonwood. They get mixed in little by little. Fresh split maple on the left, Splits on the right are 2-3 months old. Fifth row almost to the top. Ready to cut more next week.
Finished the fifth row with Norway maple and cottonwood. Started the sixth with sugar maple and sassafras. Brought a half cord load of the general cordage wood from next door and tossed. Have to finish that part of the shed so I can stack. Trying to get as much back there before mud season. Then brought some of the bundle wood over and stacked. Cherry and silver maple. More of both to bring over as well as some rounds to split which I'll do tomorrow.
Split the rest of the rounds from last weeks cut. Rather than use a step ladder to reach the top, I backed the PU in tight and my beyond beat up tailgate made for a nice "scaffold". Some swamp Yankee ingenuity! Finished the sixth row and the new bay is full. Over four cords. Some alterations and I'll start filling the middle bay. The mound of splits on the left will fill the other addition which I may finish soon. Waiting for more melting.