Congratulations Brad, that will be perfect for you. I believe we make our own opportunities by putting in the work first. I think the tree service owner has watched you over the years and saw the work you put in year in year out.
Buy logs to keep your inventory up. With each year more and more. It should easily pay for the wood you use at home plus toys and cash on the side. Buy logs, a bigger saw and a better splitter, dump trailer and tractor. Slippery slope-you only live once. I started out sell wood by getting hustled by my 13 year old to sell firewood as a side hustle. We just delivered our 103 cord this heating season. I have bought all the toys I couldn't justify before. We could sell way more if I had more time to commit. He just turned 14 and is about to get his learners permit. As soon as he does, his delivery training starts and we will sell more. With he and his mom/older brother doing the deliveries. Go for it buy logs, sell more!
Oh...You guys actually read buZZsaw BRAD's posts, I was positive that nobody read Brad's 42,678 threads!!
First cut yesterday. It was deceiving. Thought everything would easily fit once bucked. Nope. One good sized sugar maple log plus the sleepers I'll cut today. Silver and red maple, sassafras, pignut hickory. (one older log was infested with borers) and black birch. Probably a couple face cord went across the street and split. Sassafras, red and silver maple bundle wood splits. Some general cordage and the rest primo. Moving splits on the agenda today plus cutting more.
Consider White Oak, Sugar Maple and Black Birch mix for a primo wood mix. Take the place for the Black Locust you eradicated in the southern part of the State. Last year was the first time I had any WO and SM in any quantity to seperate and test. It’s right up there with BL in my opinion.
Ill mix sugar maple, black birch and beech as primo one year drying woods. Try to save those for my stove customers. Hickory, any type of oak segregated for multi year drying as well as honey locust which ranks up there too. Actually cut a little WO today at the yard. First time in a while I have.
No room. My "wood yard" is a 60' x 60' "postage stamp". Barely enough room for a splitter and stacks. If I get 5-6 PU fulls of rounds there it gets crowded real fast. As soon as a stack empties there's almost always wood waiting to take its place. Next door is my wood shed for bundle only splits, some nuggets and smoker woods. Seriously considering getting a super split to process right there and bring splits over to stack. Once I get my own little work area there it will get ironed out. Since I've stepped it up might as well step higher.
Are you buying these logs? I ask because red oak saw log pricing here in Wisconsin is really depressed.
Nope, all free. I've never paid for wood. Looking around the past couple days he has more than he knows what to do with. Four giant piles of logs including the one I'm taking from. His 10' burn pit (fire was going the last two days) has full sized logs in it including oak.
He showed me a pile of mostly red oak that he is selling. Has a buyer from Canada. Not sure what they will be turned into. Lots of sellers and firewood buyers seem to like red oak.
Cut the rest up today. Nice straight knot free sugar maple log yielded some sweet rounds and splits. White oak, silver maple and cottonwood rounded out the rest. Split about half the load.
I know it’s a bit of a drive, but you could always store the wood at my place. I still have a bit of room….
Yes, this is my first year. I can't cut enough logs with time/what I have now to produce the demand for firewood. I bought 300 cords and have 1-2 loads delivered weekly. I have been really surprised with how high demand is.