30/73. Brought in a couple more wheel barrows of honey locust chunks/uggs. Busted one open and let it sit in the basement furnace room for a couple hours. Burning down some coals before reload. Posted this on another thread but I get a dense white ash that stays formed pretty well until I push it down the grate. Not fluffy like walnut but it does fall apart easy enough. Not an issue, just an observation. This is my first experience with honey locust. 2-4” of snow supposed to start any time now.
waiting over here for it to warm up a bit, so then go out in the woods and cut some firs up, that the wind had blown over,
Just getting home from work. Gonna get a fire going with some ash and cherry. A couple handful of coals to work with from this mornings fire.
10° out. 72° in. Honey locust and ash in the quadrafire. We're supposed to get a good amount of snow tomorrow.
19/69 white oak and cherry, supposed to get a good amount of snow wed/thur and sat//sun then an arctic blast.
The forecast of 8-12" snow has once again disappeared to be replaces by 6". Same old song, same old dance. If normal we might get 2-3". Tis okay but I fail to understand why the forecasters always seem to start out with high amounts and then we only get a small amount. I guess they just want to report something big whether true or not.
-30C here this morning, red maple and yellow birch in the stove. So far our forecast has not changed, still a foot of snow coming late tonight through thursday afternoon.
Too many different computer models telling too many different outcomes. They pick the worst case model just in case. When they’re wrong they blame the model.
-25/68 Fired up at 9:30 in anticipation of the -12 that was predicted....... I just knew it would be colder with the clear skies and plummeting temps we were experiencing last evening. Snow was squeaking and nails were popping!