We're hoping to have that sweet smell of white oak drying soon on the woodyard. We got the right side of the calico shed full of hickory, now we're going to start on filling the left side. Moved close to 2 cords (2 trailer loads) over to Blue Samson last night after supper. He's hungry again and the Echos need to play. Other side of pile... Hope to start making chips fly tonight...
Perfect weather for it. I was just pondering when I will take a week of PTO to get some logs cut and split Tis the season albeit it’s still January. You’re living right when you can have a building stuffed with Hickory and White Oak.
One of my favorite wood smells. Actually wouldn't mind a score of it even though I hate the wait for it to dry.
I get the smell of a whisky barrel w/ WO. Love everything about it except the mess the bark and sap wood leave behind.
It's all I have on deck at the moment. Have slight anxiety about getting the larger logs busted down. Hope they will come apart as easily as the big pignuts I did not long ago. That was a pleasant surprise.
The journey has begun. We made some progress last night. We worked about 2 hrs, got a good bit of the smaller logs cut and split, 1 bigger log bucked into rounds... Miz Carol threw it into a pile, it will probably get stacked Friday afternoon when it rains... I will put a sharp chain on the XS4910 or maybe use the XS362 tonight on the bigger logs...
We went ahead and stacked the big pile from Wednesday night...over 6' tall... Then we bucked a nice pile of rounds...same view from shed... Other end...the 4910 did good work Split 1 log cradle of rounds, quit @2200 hrs...(10PM)
Really like it, only found a couple pieces it wouldn't split 1st time with the 4 way. Just reposition or use single wedge. It has a fast 6 second cycle time...
I was off work Friday, so made some good progress... Got a big pile split first thing... Then Miz Carol helped me get it stacked... Had a couple errands to run, then came back and got another pile split... And stacked...got 2 8' rows done, started on 3rd row... Got a few rounds left from big pile...maybe half the logs left...
The good news is with all you have sold you should definitely have the space for logs Have sales slowed down
Yes, I have the logs, the space and the weather, but I’m still missing the time. I have one delivery at 11, so I’m hoping to get some stacking done.
Saturday morning on the woodyard again, got those rounds split, made a nice pile...would have been more but 4-5 rounds had center rot that we took out... Miz Carol came up and helped me get it stacked...the gloves show the bottom of the area left to fill on the 3rd row...
We had beautiful weather Monday and Tuesday, so we made good progress. I have to brag on that Echo XS4910 and new Stihl RS chain. It cut all these rounds on 1 tank of fuel... Had 2 logs left when it ran out, refuel and cut those. This finished the pile of logs in post #1... We got it and, we had more than I thought on those 2 trailer loads...that's almost 5 rows in shed, so just short of 2.5 cords... Chud I talked to that stacking guy and he put more on the rows... When we had finished bucking the rounds Monday, decided to move some more logs to process... A couple are over 20"...18° marker stick on this log... We got 58 rounds bucked Tuesday afternoon...notice the supervisor chair in the other shed... Made a dent in the pile... Should be enough here to finish this shed...
I can smell it from here. Getting it done there folks! Nice to have a "pantry" to go to and choose what you want to cut.