Got a big warmup coming out way, 44f with 50some by Friday. Stove will just be idling a long for a while Good time to sweep chimney and deep clean ash from firebox
Never heard of that expression either, but I know all about the beastie boys brass monkey. I had a little different mix in the quadrafire last night. Ash, paper birch, Cherry, honey locust and box elder. It did well. 71° in the house this am when I reloaded at 6 am. I put in ash and Norway maple this am
45 degrees today for a high, stopped burning wood yesterday morning to clean the stove and chimney this evening or tomorrow. Here comes the January thaw.
39 but windy, 34 for a low tonight. We'll see if I can resist the urge to have a fire. The utility company might finally get a win tonight
Sure was nice today. Temps in the low 40’s. Picked up some hay for the rabbits and worked on the mezzanine. We got the posts in and pinned to the floor and the beams bolted in place. I am still working on nailing the joist hangers…. Not my favorite part. Still a ways to go, but it’s starting to take shape.
39 and windy/ hot inside Ash and possibly maple in the absolute steel high style. At a friend's house. This stove is a beast, it comes up to my chest. Woodstock makes some fine wood stoves.
Not my first time, and I doubt it will be my last. So far seems like the Idea Steel takes it like a champ.
Ohio so others know; that stove has a big brother; about 30% bigger called Ideal Steel I got one. It’s Nick name is the beast. my brother describes it size of kitchen stove with legs
23, feels like 9 according to weatherman. Burning some Pine and wood scraps from the bottom of wood bin right now.