We had mid 40's today but it will be zero or below starting Sunday. Wind chill may ge down to the negative 40 range.
Temps are falling so we can hit our forecasted high for the day. 11 now with a high of 6 for the day. And windy, of course.
Mix of black spruce and yellow birch today. Not too cold, -12C. But Monday we have -40C rolling in so gotta hit the woodpile to beef up our stack.
Nope, had to search it. No problem there. Wife’s down and out so the fun continues. 33/73 with a wintry mix starting soon. CO for now.
35/72 sycamore and ash rain and snow outside, yuck. Down to 18 tonight and colder from there out till Thursday.
Let the stove go out last night as I need a good clean out. We had a high of 53F here yesterday. House still 66F in
32* with snow coming this afternoon, burning small rounds 2 to 3 inches, shoulder season stuff. We have not seen this kind of warmth for 2 or 3 weeks
T-shirt yesterday, 15 degrees today. Need to take a load of locust and hedge to a friend so he can taste the good stuff. County Deputy and great guy so he will enjoy it.
We got 50° yesterday. Insane. 23° out now. This may be the warmest it will be for 3 or 4 days. One weather site says that Tuesday won't get above zero. Burning honey locust, ash, and cherry. 73° inside
No fire today as I've been away and will be out tonight. However, I will be lighting one early Sunday morning (or possibly late tonight) and keep it going well into next week. Temps. are relatively balmy today and tomorrow - high 30's. Sunday night things get cold and we're supposed to have single digits to sub-zero temps through Weds. The fire will be kept going with sugar maple, northern red oak and bur oak.
Thanks, you too 1* now, just a breeze so it's cozy in here. The barometer must be moving because our doggie is acting silly and happy lol.
Just put an evening load of cherry in after taking out some ashes. Moved some white oak up to the patio shed and stocked in some ash and maple by the stove. Teens overnight. 31/71