Looks like long-dead black cherry to me. I can see the remnants of a faint light colored sapwood ring on the outside of the rounds.
Thanks for the ID Eric! Got another load of it today. and here is yesterday's splits. The color contrast is wet is pretty cool.
Todays grab. Sopping wet pin oak. I figure I better start killing this pile before the boss starts getting mad. I had him drop this outside the door, but then I've been grabbing downed drier wood. I've gotta chunk these up with the SS27 and they're still heavy to lift. I wonder why my tendinitis in my elbow isn't getting better?
Oh yes. I drive home with the windows open, and once there, I open the hatch. Nice vinegar aroma. I had a bike ride as soon as I got home, so it sat with the hatch up until I got home. Unloading that after a spicy workout in the dark was fun, let me tell ya! (as i mumbled to myself to split it smaller next time)
Today grab brought to you by pain and inflammation. Not sure what the big rounds are. It was laying amongst others like it standing, some still had a few leaves attached high up. Almost looked like hard maple shaped leaves but not as big or defined. It is blowing and snowing and my glasses are fogging. Thoughts?
Haven't posted any pics lately, so here is yesterday's pull. It was a slow day, so I managed to split most of this with the Fiskars. A little coffee in the split trash fire a couple days earlier.
That picture is right outside my work building. I did bring the fire pit in though at the request of the boss! The extra coffee has been a very welcome addition.
I lay my seats down. Toss in a tarp and regularly bring a few hundred pounds of wood if I can get it free. Why not? Do that ten times in a year and you have better part of 2 face cords which will heat my house 2 or 3 weeks.
Free scrap from work…i love my job Winded up with a pile of 2x6 cut offs like 10 inches long and 1x4 will be warm this weekend nothing blasts heat like pine in my experience