I have always hand filed, but am looking for a faster and more efficient way to sharpen my chains, I figure a grinder is probably it? Now that I am cutting a lot of wood I find hand filing is taking a lot of time, also, while I am decent at it over time I always endup with different angles on the sides. My weak side always ends up with a steeper angle and my cuts get pulled to one side, sometimes so bad the bar gets stuck in the log. (rails are fine) You guys have any recommendation on grinders?
I don't have one but would suggest buying as much of one as you can afford. The low end units leave a lot to be desired it seems.
Tecomec Super Jolly. Its their best unit and cheaper than the equivalent Oregon, which Tecomec makes for them. Tecomec makes all Oregon grinders.
I have the Oregon 520-120 and happy with it , it does not have the hydraulic clamp. I also have a Norther Tool grinder that was a little cheezie but with some modifications and a little fine tuning to tighten it up it is OK. I use the Oregon for grinding cutters and the Northern Tool gets used for setting depth. This way I do not have to change wheels. What is really a game changer are the CBN grinding wheels, no dressing and the always have the same profile. A little expensive but what a difference, and no grit from the grinding wheel itself.
I have a lower end Oregon 410-120 which didn’t break the bank. It does what I need it to do. A step up would be a Tecomec Super Jolly, and I know a few members on here can vouch for them. Having a grinder is definitely nice for that consistency of angles and straighter cutting chains.
I hand file everything, but have a friend with a grinder. I use it occasionally to “true up” a chain,if needed, from my inconsistency in filing and to sharpen a severely rocked chain etc. I prefer a filed chain but the grinders definitely have their place. Just remember a little pressure with a soft touch is generally all that’s needed for actual sharpening. Grinders can be good at removing lots of metal and that’s not always necessary.
I have a Super Jolly and love it. I will say that whatever you get the CBN wheel is worth the money to not have to dress wheels.
What previous posters have already pointed out. I purchased the Oregon 520-120 a few years ago primarily to do what OP described. True up angles from hand filing and quickly restore chains that find the occasional metal in trees or when I’m stupid and find dirt and rocks
I have the Northern Tool grinder. It is good after I added shims and cleaned up the mating surfaces to true it up. I hand file if the chain just needs a touch up. It's all about time for me, if it looks like it will take too much time to file I'll swap chains. I have several chains for each saw and bar. When a chain needs grinder sharpening it goes on a hook in the shop. When the hook is full I grind them all at once. I deal with a lot of dirty wood so my chains don't last as long and some. Good luck grinder shopping and give us a review once you have one!
Same for the one I have. Some years back there was a posting on another site about adding shims and a few other minor adjustments to make it a little better.
Yeah, a bunch of us were trying to dial in these cheap grinders back in the day. It turned out to be a long thread on that green site. I bought a shim from one of the members who was making them. Good times!
It was quite a while ago , long before I came on board here that's for sure. I honestly would have to look at it again up close to jog my memory on what I did. I know that I did install some shims and true up the rails the chain gets clamped in but what else? Can't remember. It works just fine for setting depth with a flat CBN wheel.
The high end tecomic with the hydraulic clamp is great, my cheap timber tuff grinders work and have sharpened a lot of chains but the Oregon or tecomic are definitely better. Stihl usg is awesome but expensive and the cbn wheels are great, order one from diamond wheel in southern mn cost about 100$.