I guess my advanced age is giving me problems finding what I need, so hopefully y'all can point me in the right direction. I moved houses a couple years ago and brought my buck model 74 with me. When we looked at the house I saw this behemoth of a stove they call a fisher grandpa bear... btw, nobody is going to convince me that stove weighs 4 pounds less than my buck 74, unless the listed weight is without fire brick... they had an extension in front of the hearth the front legs sat on and a custom made sheet metal block plate around it butting up to and bolted into the brick, rear exit stove btw. I offered to pay my friend who helped me move, and he asked for the fisher instead, sounded good to me, as I brought my buck. I unbolt this plate and find the rear exit was vented straight into the fireplace... with about 4" of creosote on the bottom. The opening of the fireplace is 32" wide x 26" tall. Not enough room for me to work with especially considering the fireplace narrows as it goes back 18" and the hearth is 16." I have the legs off but there's just not enough room for me to get the flex pipe on. Well, obstacle number 2, it has a double flue with each side being about 3" x 4" for the length of the chimney. So I can't run much of a liner. Given that I have 16" of hearth, 18" deep, narrowing from about 32" wide to about 26" and 26" from bottom to lintel, what options do I have that are short enough to fit and have a rear exit? I've pretty much ruled out a cat stove as I'm not expecting a good draft. Would be nice if I could find an old smoke dragon that I could make work, but I haven't seen anything. I'm fine with steel, cast iron, soap stone, and I'm fine with it sitting on the hearth with no legs or pedestal. Also, gosh amighty wood stoves have gone up in price in the last 15ish years. I'm seeing basic small volume stoves for the price decent sized soapstones were then. I paid $699 for this buck 74 and I see them listed for $2500-$3000 now. Forgive me for being so long winded, any suggestions are appreciated.
The flue is 3x4"?! That just can't be...I bet it is a normal flue that is almost plugged with creosote...get a sweep in there and see if they can clean it, or just knock it out and replace it with a good insulated flex liner
Ok, let me put a space in it... https://imgur. com/gallery/double-flue-0T28LVr Just remove the space between . And com and use the link.
Getting picture from web, copy the picture then paste. If picture is on file in your computer, hit "upload file" (look at bottom of screen and there are 3 buttons; Post Reply, Upload a File and More options.) After you hit Upload a file it will take you to where your pictures are stores. Find the one you want and double click on it. Bingo. Then choose Thumbnail. Done.
Trying the copy and paste to see if that works. I tried the image icon and pasting the url, I tried pasting the url and putting tags around it, and I tried uploading, that one said there was a security error. https://imgur.com/gallery/double-flue-0T28LVr
I tried flipping the pic all 4 ways and couldn't really make sense of it so I left it as is. I think the left side of the pic is the floor of the stove, but, wow, I really can't tell. I just took a screenshot of the IMGUR image as the IMGUR image is probably too big and a screenshot automatically lowers the pixel count / file size.
Stupid question..... It's not cinder block is it? I've seen some cinder block that would just about match those openings.
It's brick, and the center separation looks like clay, like a clay tile roof when you go on the roof and look down the chimney. As far as orientation, the right side of the picture is where the smoke shelf is, and the left side is the back of the chimney. Any recommendations for a small stove with a rear exit that could possibly fit those dimensions?
These guys have a nice selection...there's one or two of the insert stoves that have the flue connection at a 45* angle...that might help? Heating Appliances
I originally wanted below $1,000, but I may have to increase that to $1500 or so. I'd go higher if there was a soapstone small enough with a rear exit. It's just for supplemental heat/novelty, not really looking to heat the house, but it's 1900 Sq feet. Edit: foot hills of nc, Lincoln County area.
$1,000-1500 is gonna be used in soapstone market Will a Woodstock fire view fit?? Forum experts here Oldhippie Backwoods Savage