16°f last night currently 34°f at 5pm AZ time. White oak mix in the stove, home at 72°f. Really glad the wind let up after yesterday. The cold is one thing but the wind, that's something else.
28 currently. High of 34 today, 17 tonight. Hedge in the boiler, honey locust in the fireplace. Lots of ice left from Sunday, about five inches of snow last night. Holzhausens dry inside.
Snowed throughout the day off and on. Sometimes it was a squall. Probably 8" so far Gonna have to plow tomorrow for sure! 18/71 and just got a complaint that "it is too warm in here".
Josh Randall i miss not building g some this year. They look so neat in the snow. I generally lay a layer of thin splits with bark attached, as a roof for mine. Over time, the bark sloughs off and I have some great kindling pieces. a stuffed boiler from my strategic reserve. I managed to get the Mule down to the timber clearing to draw from a css there. It dug in like a pig climbing through the snow. Everyone in the path of the snow, stay cozy, my friends
23/71 just kicked off a load of ash and hickory. Snowing steady, cars moving slow on the 2 lane I can see down through the pasture. May have to fire the snow blower in the morning. I wanted to go drop a double trunk elm but that may have to wait.
Woke to a couple inches of fresh powder. Supposed to continue for a while. 75 inside the hotel burning kilowatts.
20/70. Snowing. Closed a drafty den off and the temp stays 5°+ warmer in the house. I don't think I'll have to reload until tonight.
Light snow last night. Will break freezing today. Woke to a cold stove. Wanted to clean glass and ash pan. Cold room too. BL and some oak to get going