Cherries seem to be of the most 'delicate' of varieties in my woods. By that I mean a lot of mortality from various things before they can mature. Seeing one over 18" among a lot of 24"+ trees is rare. Maybe I ain't got the right dirt for em. Do know they were decimated in the 80s when cherry sold like Walnut does now from a logging job.
Seeing as how this thread is about a tree leaking fluids.......
Basically how 2 of them are with gallons of frozen sap at the base. Might cut one down tomm that was planned for removal before this anyways.
I have some cherry trees and they all have some type of oozing. Wood peckers have at them and the tree secretes this ooze. It’s spongy and slowly bounces back. I had a larger cherry tree in my side yard that was taken down in 2017. It had a whole lot of these spots on it. The tree was 3 foot across at the stump. Only the outer 5 inches was solid the rest was full of frass/dust. We had a guy who used to do arborist work full time come out and take it down. He climbed it and cut it out piece by piece. His quote was so low, we tipped him well and even fed him and his worker. I wouldn’t have climbed the tree for what we paid him to cut it down. I cleaned it up and have long since burned the wood to heat our home.
I have a few like that which looks more normal than what I'm seeing in a few of these. A poster above said he thinks cherry's are more delicate and I think he is probably right. I have more dead standing cherry than anything else by a far margin so maybe nature is just culling these.