Burrito grande. Chicken burrito with cheese, peppers onions beans and smothered in queso sauce. I order it every time my wife and I go to this place in town. I don’t look ant the menu anymore. I ate about half of it and I’m stuffed. Funny story. The server was running double duty at the cash register and waiting tables. I left a cash tip at the table. I’m paying up front and he sees me signing the credit card receipt leaving no tip. I was relieved when the bus boy brought him his cash as I handed him the credit card receipt. I momentarily looked the a giant pos.
Don’t worry about it. If you are in the area we are going there for dinner. Also if you are in the area, you took a wrong turn 300 miles ago.
It’s on. I’ve ate the whole thing a few times. Make sure you tie your shoes good because if you finish the burrito you ain’t reaching yer shoes without your eyeballs popping out.
I took this in The Valley of Fire, Nevada last spring. I had to reduce the size to post it here so it's not as sharp as the original.
Stink bugs are truly terrible. I smell them getting cooked in my chainsaw if I let it sit awhile. I have put on my chainsaw chaps that were hanging in the shed. There must have been 50 stink bugs in the creases. I spent a couple hours last year sealing the bedroom for stink bugs. Trying to go back to sleep after a stink bug encounter sucks. Did a good job too no more inside, except the occasional bogey downstairs.
Stink bugs are a vile plague here in Northern Kentucky. We are surrounded by river bottom farms where they love to live and in the spring and early fall we are inundated with stink bugs and asian lady bugs. More 'gifts' from China.
Took this in downtown Cincinnati last spring. I believe its a BMW? Taken with a Canon F-1 and 135mm f2.8 lens and Tmax 100 b&w film.
Took this from my front porch after a storm. A flock of geese over the Ohio River. Canon F-1 with a 400mm f5.6 on Tmax 400 film. About .75 miles from the porch. Gravel pit in Indiana in the background.