I wouldn't either. Gonna start stinking. Does your towns dog pound remove roadkill? The only roadkill I remove is firewood.
I don't know much about deer except the ones around here will eat every deer resistant plant/shrub that I plant. The fawns were from a couple of weeks ago. The handsome bucks were yesterday morning. A very unusual warm and sunny morning for November. The bigger one was fearless. He squared up and dug in when I tried to shoo him away. "Message received. Enjoy the beautiful morning as will I."
Yes he does and he was very clear about that. I think one of their day beds is in the brush of a neighbor's lot which was being disturbed this week by fall clean up work. Usually we only see the occasional scat and some plant damage to annuals, perennials and shrubs. Seeing him and his herd was a treat. The plant damage isn't such a big deal after seeing him.
this critter thought my firewood stacks was a nice hiding spot. I could not allow this to jeopardize my stacks. sadly you get to see I pulled my shot ..
Not in the stacks but in a hollow round while I was splitting it. It cracks in half as I'm looking down and two little beady eyes looking back at me. It had scooted out while I got the camera. You can see some of its back and its tail. It jumped off and ran away to the stacks.
Not exactly in a stack, but at the bottom of a 55gal drum used to store chunks...probably a field mouse made a cozy home with some kind of insulation... It thought it was safe in there...maybe from the cat patrol, but looks like we have another pest control friend in the neighborhood... When I moved some of the insulation, I saw a big rat snake shed skin in there...
While tearing down the old part of the shed I found an active nest. 4-5 grown mice. Been finding a lot of snake skins in the bundle wood shed as I've been emptying it. Couple mouse nests too.