Driving home from work last Thursday and saw a decent pile of Oak by the curb, problem was there was a truck already there loading up. BUT his bed was beyond full and there was a decent amount left. So I pulled a ubie, stopped and stalked my prey as he threw the last final pieces he could fit. As he pulled away I pulled up and took the rest. Not much (there was more to the left of the pic but not much more) but hey it was partially split and was an easy load! I was able to unload this weekend and get it split and stacked. I still have a nice pile of Cherry and Maple on pallets I am hanging onto for the smoker! Those pool liners are coming in handy and liking them so far for sure.
The FHC vulture is alive and well in you Chuck. I would've done the same. Cant tell you how often I turn around to inspect a score and I've been the dibs scrounger who has seen others show up. One cut I waited for Asplundh to leave and within 15 minutes two other guys showed up.
Hahah, that's awesome! I know most of you all know the feeling but there is something pulling at you when you hear a chainsaw or see wood laying on the side of the road. You just can't help yourself......
Thanks! Not sure where I picked that idea up from, most likely here. Its just easy to do and I had a ton of cinder blocks laying around on the property left by the prior owner. I will say I am thinking of building another wood shed. It's nice not messing with tarps or liners blowing off or holding them down. Problem is I get a score here or a score there and it's hard to keep them separate especially when you score different types of wood and at different times of the year. I may build a bunch of smaller 1cord worth wood sheds.
Wonder if the other guy came back and was surprised to see it gone. How common is roadside wood in your area Chuck?
Hahah, it's possible! It's not that common I'd say but it happens from time to time for sure. Most are not burning around here, but there are some, and you do sometimes have to be quick. Some homeowners opt for the drop and chop discount vs. having the tree company haul the wood out and either the tree company or the homeowner will put a post up on FB or CL those you kind of need to move quick, which I do if it's very close by and I can. Sometimes they don't post anything and just put curbside and you have to be lucky. Just this past weekend the next town over a tree company was dropping a bunch of tree's 6cords+, advertised pickups for 1PM 2PM and 3PM, Maple and Oak. I am sure people were duking it out......That's not my style, am more of the sleuth kind get in like a ninja and get out
That one particular score I mentioned I ended up helping one guy load as he was taking the smaller stuff as is. The other guy was taking the huge logs. One of the first times I've witnessed noodling and after that I wasn't as shy as using a saw roadside.
The best was when that chip drop service worked. I got a huge load right in front of the house. I always feel like I am rushing when roadside. I could take my time and just move it around back. I can only get so much in my Truck bed and usually don't take the trailer out which I prob should.
That's a solid 45-50 minutes from me so we won't ever have to worry about competing against each other.