I walked up to my truck after working in the woodyard yesterday and was startled by the noise coming from inside the cab. Somehow this sparrow managed to fly into the cab and couldn't get out. I have a habit of leaving the door open when I'm working. Snapped a couple pics then opened the other door and away it went.
I remember one time I had a chickadee get into our van. I had the driver side window down but it went in the back. So I went in and slowly put my finger out and touched it's belly. This caused it to then sit on my finger and let me move it to the open window. It then flew away. I was surprised how calm it seemed to be all this time.
Chickadees, wrens and sparrows can be nosy little buggers. I've had chickadees and hummingbirds come watch what I'm doing. We had a dog called Deedee and she and the chickadees would do this weird dance that looked like they were teasing her flying around her just out of reach singing their little chickadee-dee-dee song.
I had 2 doves stuck in the old interlock shop for a couple days. Sum bishes crapped everywhere. Hopefully that one didn’t relieve itself in your truck.
Couple years ago I was doing a job and walked into the garage there to get more material. There's a small bird "stuck" inside flapping away by one of the back windows. I tried to coax it toward the front open door but kept flying around. IIRC I unfolded my ruler to help it along and it seemed to be getting exhausted from struggling. Well it climbed on the end of the ruler and I moved it very slowly to let it out. I think it was a wren. I was rather amazed at it doing that almost as though it knew I was helping it.
I had to catch a bird for my Mom that flew into her house when she opened the front door. She has a tall porch/entryway and swallow use some of the area to build nests (the don't use the front door much, so don't mind). It was fortuitous timing for the bird and my parents. I was there for a 3-4 day visit - any other time they would have been either leaving the door open and hoping it found its way out (it had already made it into another room in its confusion), or they would have been calling rodent control.
My younger Brother, a Warrant Officer helicopter pilot (now retired), loves to tell the story of his encounter with a hummingbird in Germany. He and his crew were pre-flighting his Huey one hot day when he noticed a hummer lying in one of the chin blister view ports. It was still alive but obviously overcome by the heat and exhaustion from trying to escape. He gently picked it up and took it outside to the other side of the aircraft and placed it in the cool shade. About 15 minutes later he went to check if it was gone or perhaps move it before startup and takeoff. It took to the air and darted to his face just inches away and hovered for several long seconds moving slightly back and forth as though it was memorizing his face and thanking him. Then flew away. He says it was the most intimate encounter with wildlife he has ever had and it has impressed him to this day!
Amazing. I've often wondered about nature and if animals can sense we're trying to help them. We had a hummingbird hit our back window a few Summers back. I went and checked and there it was laying on the ground below the feeder with its wings out. I checked and couldn't tell if it was dead. Left it alone and it did later move and later flew away. Somewhere I have a pic of it. Amazing how small the feathers are.
Several years ago, reached down for my drink that was between the seats in my 06 E350. Felt something warm and furry and when I lifted my hand had a bat was latched on to my finger. Didn't break the skin and after getting it out of the van and on the ground, we decided to get it in a box and take it in for testing.