So, I need a new piece of vermiculite for my wood stove, I broke it in several places, rough handling. But, the one that I need from Drolet will not be available until 15 Dec. Thankfully we have been having a really nice fall so far, but by Christmas I should definitely be burning for heat. And with what little heat we have needed I'm already down 10% on my propane tank. Is there a place I can get one appropriately sized elsewhere? Or am I just screwed until then? Any thoughts?
Never heard if vermiculite in a stove,, ya all got a photo??? What is Vermiculite. Vermiculite is a naturally-occurring mineral composed of shiny flakes, resembling mica. When heated to a high temperature, flakes of vermiculite expand as much as 8-30 times their original size.
I was able to use stove cement and patch it up until it was replaced if that's an option. Mine was just broke in two. I've gone through at least two playing Tetris. Believe it or not I was able to find a replacement on Amazon. Never fully purchased as Drolet ended up sending me one at no cost, minus shipping.
I have heard there are after-market C-cast baffles. They are less durable but will get you through to December. Not sure where to get them though.
You can also order a ceramic insulation board too...often times you can order a piece big enough to make two for the price of one factory baffle
I'd call around local stove places and see if they have any vermiculite board or ceramic board in stock. As you've found, as much as it is heat resistant, it's a little tender. They make vermiculite bricks, too, but I've never seen one (I don't think).
Steve, we had a part die on our Drolet pellet stove, don2222 got one for me weeks before that part was "in stock" at Drolet.
If you can order a baffle that is larger, that vermiculite cuts easily with a cross cut saw. I have had to trim mine both times to get them to fit the width.
Yep sure did!! I called Drolet and the guy on the phone said that C-cast panel is more durable, and available sooner!
I still haven't received that panel yet, and it's about to start getting into the teens at night. I called and asked about it. They said they have packaged it, but might not be shipped until Monday. I don't know, I guess I get it when I get it.