Purchase or cut firewood? I can purchase a generous processed large split Rick for $70 or cut unlimited amounts for free. Estimate I can purchase, re-split and stack a cord in the same amount of time that it takes me to cut, split and stack a face cord cut for free. I bank $280 a face cord delivered and stacked. So, 3x70=210. 3x280-210=630. Therefore, $630-280=$350.00 more a day by discarding my chain saws. What am I missing?
Oh, paid 19k for this neat Can-Am toy to fiddle around with. $19,000/$70=271.429x280=76,000.12. Maybe should have purchased more processed firewood? I did enjoy cutting in a beautiful Fall day nevertheless.
Well, 1. You are missing that not everyone on this site is in your market 2. Not everyone is selling firewood that they cut. 3. Cutting your own & for others can be a very cathartic experience. 4. Some folks just like to help others out & either give it away or charge a minimal amount. 5. Again not everyone is in your particular market & can’t charge prices that would leave customers bleeding from multiple orifices…
I only had 16 face cords of for sale oak that was under 20% moisture. Sold it all for $110 per face. Customer pick up only.
So @jombear, just sharing what I accomplish in middle TN selling firewood. Plenty of $100 or less sellers per Rick on CL and FBMP. I am not in the charity business, I bust my ash 12 hours a day producing and delivering firewood. My 27 years of doing Uncle Sam’s work around the world as an Explosive Ordnance Disposal Diver allows me to feel comfortable in all aspects of my life. I’ll bank close to 90k this year whether you like it or not.
Seems like you can only cut, produce and sell only so much firewoood on FHC before you aren’t part of the club. If so, farewell.
First off, Thank you for your service to our country. No need to be thin skinned, you asked a question & I gave an answer. You are fortunate to be in the market you are in but your market is in the extreme upper echelon & if you or anyone else here tried selling in their area for what you sell for they we would not be selling anything & would be accused of being rip off artists. So the market drives the price. I don’t believe I questioned your work ethic either. You asked “What you are missing?” & you clearly don’t get it. Not all markets are the same & not everyone’s motivations are the same. Personally I don’t give a rats azz what you make, it’s none of my business. No one is asking you to be a charity but several of us do pay it forward or try to help out others. Clearly you missed that. Several of us use saws for cleanup or just general maintenance in properties.so that’s why saws are kept, they aren’t just a firewood tool. There are several folks on here that process & sell large quantities of firewood yearly, they seem very content here.
$840 for a cord? Isn't there some sort of thread on this site for unreasonably overpriced firewood sales from craigslist? Honestly, if you can make a living out of charging customers the prices you do, good for you. And if they are pleased with paying it, well.... Personally, I can't understand how people think they are getting a good deal. And, at the risk of offending you (but not my intention), I can't understand how you can charge that much.
Which is why I don’t even consider selling. No where near enough money to worth my time. I can only speak for myself on this.. I have absolutely zero problems seeing your success selling wood posted on this forum. Keep on keepin on and sharing the journey!
First Thank you for your service Sir . that is great what you get for your effort looks like nice firewood !! and if people are willing to spend that it is their choice just look at what they spend on those crazy little bundles of wood 1 cubic foot at the local hardware store 15.oo I used to sell @1100 cord a year back in the late 70's and early 80's and it was @ 120-140 delivered I do not sell anymore I just make it for myself but the occasional customer asks for a price on one of the bags of wood I have and I sold 2 so far at 150.00 a bag put in their truck plus a 20.00 core on the bag (They are 1/3 cord bags) so that is 510.00 a cord with the bag deposit seems crazy to me but I guess people do not want to put out any effort for their firewood or maybe they appreciate the effort you put out to make it. You keep on doing what you are doing !!! JB
You missed nothing that I can see. How is it different from folks that purchase trees by the log truck load then process it down to firewood marketable size? You just don't have to cut it up with your saw, only have to split and stack. Seems like a Win-Win to me.
Some might be able to do both. I would have to use every ray of daylight and my back would have to cooperate. But that's me. To everyone ; stay healthy, live long and prosper.