Looking at this saw. I already have a MS251 which is fine. Is it worth it to pick this up for $150 or should I not bother? Also struggling to find specs on it, if I get an 18" bar for it can I run the same chains as my MS251?
Stihl made two versions of the 028. 028 at 47cc's and the 028 super at 52cc's. Both are excellent firewood saws. IINM the wood boss is the 47cc version. Very reliable saw IME with a cult following. My first Stihl given to me new at age 17 in 1985 was an 028. Sadly a few years later it was accidentally straight gassed and ruined. I bought another back in 2020. Here's that thread Newest member to the family. I found an article a few years back that I've posted on here more than once. Ill have to dig for it. The Legendary Stihl 028 Chainsaw - HL Supply Blog $150 is a decent price for it provided its not beat up and has good compression. Haven't run mine in a while. Have to give it some play time. Wears an 18" bar.
My last remaining Stihl is a regular 028av wood boss. It’s a decent general purpose firewood saw. Not exactly a hot rod but it’s not a dog either. They’re getting harder to find OEM replacement parts for though. $150 is a good deal (that’s what I had mine for sale for on here earlier this year, no takers) but if you already have an MS251 it’s kind of redundant IMO.
A little heavy for 3hp at 12.9lbs. I don't know jack about da Stills. I do know that people who like them really like the 'Oh' series. I got to squeeze on an 044 not too long ago. Boy do they run and boy did I notice the lack of AV. lol
It sorta sounds like it. BUT, my house is in the middle of my plot and it's heavily wooded. In other words, if a tree comes down across my driveway I'm not leaving home until it's dealt with. Earlier this spring I had a week where both of my saws broke and it left me thinking about the implications. So a second spare is justifiable for me. As for power, these mid-level saws are honestly fine for my needs because 95% of my trees are all 18" or smaller in diameter. Plus, I spend a lot of time cutting trails and doing property maintenance, and it would be great to run out of gas or dull a chain or something and be able to get right back in action without a trip back to my workshop. When I am in work mode I want to work. Chain sharpening is something I do with music on and a few beers in the evening. I've mostly made up my mind, if the saw ends up being in great (not good) condition, I'm probably gonna nab it. The pics in the ad made it look brand new which is what caught my attention in the first place.
I get it; that's fair enough. As long as you don't foresee yourself ever trying to mill any logs, the mid-size saws work just fine. Being an older saw, I would keep it in the back of your mind that there will be parts to replace at some point, probably sooner than later. AV mounts, fuel line, etc. Steer clear of the dirt cheap Amazon junk (this comes from personal experience) The 028 really does have a good reputation as being a solid machine, and although I'm not particularly attached to mine, it has served me well so far.
Hey cezar how about a 290/291? A decent farm/ranch saw at 56cc's. I owned a 290 which evolved into the 291 and it served me very well for nearly ten years as my only saw. Bar and chain from the 251 should fit. I see a lot of used ones for sale on FBM around here. If you are looking for long term, why not spring for a brand new one?
I had a 290 after my 028 was taken out by a tree. I thought the 290 was a turd compared to the 028. I did run the 290 for years but stepping up from the farm-ranch class was a good choice for me.
I had an 026 in between the two. 028 died in 1992 IIRC, so the 026 was my saw until 2010 when I bought the 290 from G&H. Yeah once one gets a pro level saw there's no looking back.
It took me a long time to believe that there would be such a difference between the two classes . I ran my 290 for years and cut a boat-load of wood with it honestly never had an issue and it was without a doubt my go to saw. Once I got my 261 it was like the light bulb went on. Sold my 290 and my 391 to help offset the cost and thin the heard a little. Now I will switch it up between 500i , MS400 and MS261. Not saying that the casual cutter/burner needs a pro level saw but willing to bet if they did bite the bullet, they would not regret it.
Yup. I remember buying my first...the 261 five years ago and taking them to a cut and the 290 became a shelf queen. Sold it a year later.
Still need to look into what goes next. Probably the MS250 , MS362 and 359 Husky. I just don't use them
This is gonna be kinda funny, but I don't actually like Stihl as a company and I don't want to give them any money. I think their saws and blowers are great I just hate their business model. It's aggravated by the fact that I have probably the planet's worst Stihl dealer in my town. I have nothing against buying a used saw from their glory days though.
Will do. One of my 3 main saws is a constant problem child and I'm about done with it. If it were not for the sausage stuffing it has, id give it away.
Sorry , I got mixed up with my reply and I meant to direct this to cezar more or less , but you as well buddy is fine. Just tossing it out there , no sales pitch towards anyone. nope