Howdy! It sure has been a while since I've been active on the forum. Keeping up with life and house projects has kept my wood hoarding pretty much near zero over the past few months. But today... oh, boy howdy, today the the weather was crisp and cool and my primal urge to cut firewood was activated. I've been passing by some tree "work" that was done alongside Route 1 in Old Lyme on state land, just a couple miles from my place. Lots of red oak that was cut back from the power lines and strewn about in four foot sections. They let a lot of the logs fall into a swamp, and at first glance from the road it looked like not much was salvageable. Today I stopped my truck at the end of the guardrail and saw that there was a lot of good stuff to be had that was fairly accessible. I was amazed as this wood as been sitting there for well over a month, and no one else had taken a crack at it. I grabbed the old Jonsered and took plenty of rounds in one load. There were even some nice "room service" red oak sticking out around waist height, completely off the ground. As I was finishing up a town cop pulls up behind my truck, gets out, and gives me the once over. "Everything ok?" he asked. I tell him I was just gathering what I could and that I was finishing up. "Alrighty. Just making sure you're OK and your truck is off the road. Looks good to me." And he went on his way. I'll have to keep an eye on this spot and head back while I can, hopefully before other wood-hungry townies take notice. Cheers all. Hope you're having stellar fall thus far. And don't mind Anthony. That's just his way of saying "hello".
Great score. Id be all over that. I used to be pretty good at guardrail hopping for fresh roadkill. Yeah I've had the local and state police stop and visit. (right Eric Wanderweg) Be very cool and respectful and they let you do you thing IME. Bring a cone or two, wear a bright colored safety vest and be very mind full of traffic. Too many knuckleheads on the roads these days.
I like your style. Very reminiscent of several past scrounges of mine Nice that you had a friendly LEO encounter which has pretty much been my experience as well. As long as you're being safe, everything's copacetic. Nice oak! Looks like there's white oak there too
I was under the assumption that I grabbed some white oak as well, but wasn't sure. I've been coveting that stuff for a while and looks like I found some.
Very interesting guy! His first book; Kitchen Confidential is a great read. Especially if you’ve ever worked in a restaurant.
I went back yesterday and I got another truckload. I have a feeling I'll be returning weekly. The white oak is primo!
Very nice score. I recognize that stretch of road. I have not been on it in a few years and it is too far out of my scrounging range. Oh and my back aches just looking at those rounds.