Diesel below $3 a gallon sure is helping with my profit margin. This is today's route. Probably burn $25 of diesel.
Wait.......what??? All that $$ you're constantly mentioning and you don't have or you won't use the AC? Roll those windows up! And count the money while at the customers not while you're driving....... Looks like there's room for more wood in those loads.....
18-18.5 with my truck and trailer loaded, 22 with just the truck loaded. I drive 55 mostly. Great mileage for a variety of reasons
Won't happen again! My wallet wouldn't close so I was just curious how much I had over a few days of not emptying it.
Today's deliveries resulted in 17.7 mpg. Had some head wind and a heavier load than usual; an extra 1/2 rick and mostly hickory.
Took me six hours and twenty minutes for today's deliveries. None of the three customers were home, so no chit chat to slow me down. Zero tips, but usually get those when the customers are present.
I noticed that too. Loose stacks in the rack, have to take Doug back to stacking skool... Miz Carol's stacking I think I did this one, with bigger splits, but it could have been hers too.
I owe all my attention to stacking to you and your better half. It makes a postivive example of your work in your adds and at the customer's storage place.
The edge of the bricks gave me a perfect guide for ligning it up perfectly. This dude purchased four cords from me last month. $3,600 with tip. Everything was 20+ seasoned.
Made an oak delivery to our local restaurant... This lady knows how to run this grill/smoker... She liked that tote, even grabbed a few pieces for the firebox as we were unloading She had those ribs looking good... All stacked neatly...
Even though I sell to restaurants at a discount, I like the steady year round business. October is starting off well for me.
Have had a flood of people the last few days wanting a discount. I don't play that game. They usually order anyway. Both of my customers for today asked for discounts. One place is zillowed at $3.5 million (8K sqft) and the other was a shack at 1.25 million. Found a few years ago that the customer will want to pay the same discounted price forever.
Don't know about how it is down there, but zillow is a poor indicator of market prices up here. Everyone appreciates a discount now and then......especially repeat customers. Makes them feel appreciated, no? Keep up the deliveries and why not fill up that truck load the whole way for a change?
I can haul four face cords per trip into Nashville, but that requires a lot of time loading and then wheelbarrowing and stacking. Three face cords is my perfect delivery day. I use Google Street View to determine my deliveries. Can haul three face cords with my trailer and 1&1/2 with my truck. Older parts of Nashville have allies and some areas have no street shoulders. So very challenging deliveries. I charge double + over most other sellers because of of my firewood type and my willingness to get it to where the customer wants it stacked. No dump and run in my business model.