Thanks No excuse from me , I have been trying to be a little more faithful myself. You never know and you are not exempt from anything happening. Much appreciated!
He was probably just pretending he was raking, anything to be as far away from her as possible. Poor guy! Thanks again , going to make it a point to cover up in the future.
Split the rest of the rounds yesterday. (pic #8 in post #19 above) Had them top covered and was waiting to get the shed ready so they could go straight there once split. The chunks were so light and some of it seemed ready to burn. Made some nice splits. Wish I had several cords like this to fill up the shed. Kinda hit or miss if red maple will split straight or have a twist to it. Some basswood across the back. Getting stacked today.
Maybe they are learning lessons from some of the recent lessons in California, some of which still were not learned…
Not a bad thought. Gotta admit I didn’t think of it in those terms. That said I’m not sure this brush clearing would help prohibit fire. A spark from above landing on green leaves or 4” of dry leaves coating the ground. We had a bumper crop of leaves on the ground this year. A long drought and fire conditions were indeed high. Maybe tho, I’m not a firefighting expert. Even though California and New England are worlds apart I can see the theory/logic being applied in both areas.
It's definitely red maple. Better than one in four trees in the state are red maple. Silver Maple is a very common yard planting and I don't see any wild ones in my part of the state other than those that seeded themselves from a yard tree.
I think it's interesting how different trees grow in different areas. In this area silver maples grow like weeds, and it's common to have them growing everywhere. Idk, I just think its neat to learn about your area. Thanks for posting.
I remember that thread, thanks for bringing it around to today. Those rounds produced beautiful straight splits. Remember, you handled the incident well.
Red maple is the most common tree in the Eastern US iirc. I seem to see alot of big old silvers on farms or country roads. I suppose its because of how fast they grow they make good wind breaks.
At one point in time I’d say Silver Maple was the “it” tree for yard tree planting. Red Maple, Crapemyrtles and Green Giant Arborvitae’s have taken over NC as the rubber stamp landscape trees