So as some of you may know..I recently got a new bigger Compliment my Kubota BX . The new Tractor is a TYM..and is easily over double the weight. So the issue I'm having is the physical size of the new tractor. It's alot longer. So now..if im hauling it..I either have to go without a rear implement...or doing something funky as shown in picks. But in the pictures sits perfectly on trailer ....weight distribution wise It puts a tolerable amount of tongue weight on..and is pretty darn good going down the road . Seems to be sitting good..not too bouncy on the truck...not herky jerky with not enough weight on truck. Just right. Seeing what any thought as a solution. Current truck ..Ram 1500 Current trailer.Kaufman 8000# 16' THINGS TRIED So I tried backing the tractor on and maybe leaving loader up to clear ramps...which I never liked. But tried. As soon as the rear wheels got past the trailer axles and heading towards the started squatting the truck hard..too much tongue weight. Also tried putting loader up and over the front rail to give me a little room...but this also put too much tongue weight on the truck...and I just thought that puts too much faith in my tie down straps lol. THINGS IM THINKING.. Thinking about possibly an 18'-20' equipment trailer upgrade. Maybe even a lightweight tri-axle (tire scrubber) to keep the weight off of the truck. Possible air bags on the rear of truck to help give me a little more leeway. CANT DO Not gonna be able to upgrade truck in any way. No 3/4 1 ton. Have to keep this truck. I love my current it blends being lightweight and heavy duty at the same time. Does not put much tongue weight on truck empty. But....current trailer is a year 2000...and in need of a new deck...some brake work...some wiring..etc. So to me..its time to redo this one and find a solution...or let it go...and get a new...or new to me trailer. Help !! Lol
If you like buying new tires.... get a tri-axle. Would recommend a twin axle with duals but doubt you NEED that.
I definitely do not like that blade sticking out the rear. That has potential for some very bad things to happen. Couldn't you swing the blade? you would have to raise it a bit but that would be no problem.
Oh I agree..before I took off down the road....I swung it over towards to ramps as far as I could. That would have been horrible for the person that rear ended me lol !
Look into a weight distributing hitch. Either that or get a longer trailer. I tow a Kubota L2900 with FEL and a heavy duty box blade with my F150 on a 18' 10K trailer. It is a good setup. That extra couple feet over 16' really lets you put the weight where you want it.
I always load my tractor on the trailer backwards so the weight is at the front of the trailer not hanging off the back…
That tractor is 3,300...with the loader and rear attachment call it 4,300. Trailer looks pretty it 2,700 for even 7,000 total. RAM recommends weight distributing hitch for anything over 5,000 on 1500 model. Case closed.
I'll look into that ! Starting looking at the HaulMaster hitch that Harbor Freight carries. Gets good reviews. You Tube likes it too it seems. I've never had a need for one..till now lol !
Can you put the blade in the bucket for transporting? If it was my trailer, I would be looking for a longer upgrade.
Yes I probably could. Not sure I want to deal with that all the time either. Plus ..the blade is just what I had on that day. Could be tiller...brush hog...etc. I think im leaning towards a longer set up. Especially since my current trailer needs some tlc. Maybe send it down the road before I get into fixing it up in every way I had planned. Lots to think about ! Especially since trailers aren't cheap !
I think this is the best plan. Use the funds from the sale of your current trailer for a weight distribution hitch and a dual axle 18-20 foot trailer. Keep a close eye on the weight of the trailer as they vary widely between the different brands.
I appreciate your advice ! I'll watch the weight of the trailer for sure. It's kinda why I like my current Kaufman trailer. Lightweight but heavy duty enough. Maybe I'll look at getting another..but longer ! Thanks again !
No problem my friend! Maybe someone else already mentioned this and I missed it. If so I’m sorry to repeat. Try rolling that bucket all the way down and back toward the tractor. You’ll probably gain a significant amount of room that way.
I know total devils advocate against a new longer trailer right?!? You can also drop the bucket and park the FEL over it for even more room. Obviously you have to strap the bucket down then to meet dot regs (I’ve seen folks that don’t do that), but it might be enough to get you where you need to be.