Skeeter... Do you usually cook full briskets hot and fast? What temp? I have one in the freezer I need to cook, but I don't have the 10-15 hours to cook it slow (I don't remember the weight to guesstimate low and slow cook time). Did you cook it the whole 4 hours naked, and then wrap (pan) and take off heat? Cooler? If hot and fast is pretty good, that's the way I'd try to go...
Total cook time was 4 not sure what the exact temp was I didn't have a probe in the pit...I'm guessing 325°+ I was running 275°~300° on the door gauge,brisket on top shelf which is the "microwave" 2.5 hrs naked til my bark was happy 1.5 hrs wrapped with beef tallow on the bottom shelf,probed between 196° was probably 9~9.5{i didnt weigh my trim}lbs after trim....the smaller briskets like this are not good candidates for overnight cooks,so I do them hot and fast.your times and temps will vary,also keep in mind this was prime,not gonna be as good with choice or select.