A wood fire driving a steam engine that is turning an AC compressor should do it, but I’m no HVAC guy
Not bad with temps now, low 70's, but the humidity is high. We got 1.27 inches of rain overnight. This past week we have gotten between 3 and 4 inches of rain. We need some dry time.
Almost 10 o'clock and it's 80 degrees. We had 96 today, just took a dip in the pool after an ice cream journey.
Yesterday's high here was 73 and felt great. Went for a long ride on atv and had to put a long sleeved shirt on. The north wind was very cool. Then I closed all the windowa of the house before going to bed as the house was getting rather cool. Lord knows that I loved it!
Welp, not burning wood fer sure. Burning gas though, changing gas in the tank daily. Good ridin' season, less rainy afternoons... Wood stove is used for making sensitive documents vanish. Haven't cleaned the chimney yet though....
It only gets hotter from here on. I hope you all enjoy your summers. July and August only get hotter. I'm ready for fall. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ok. Last post on the heat here. I promise. But I think we set a record for June Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I try to get as much done before noon as possible. Then it's inside under the A/C. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
We've had several days in the 70's. It did hit 80 for a short time yesterday though. I'll gladly take the 70's.