I believe BL dries quick. I have had some down my basement for many years and it no longer registers on my MM.
Well, what the heck. I don't think I have ever seen a summer without grass turning brown. Even worse is when the corn leave curl up because of lack of moisture. I have heard that is already happening in some areas not that far from here but we have plenty of moisture in the ground. One area wet and another dry. Crazy summers. I do hope you get some rain soon. Now about that stinking locust. I'll not forget the time a friend brought us some locust so we could burn some. My lovely wife came out with some colorful words directing me that I should never again bring locust into this house!
Smell is gone now. Guess being so dry helped but I totally get why Judy said that. Not pleasant. Corn is about 8” to a foot here. Hopefully it gets at least a small drink this weekend. Local news reports a few places asking to conserve water usage so they don’t have to mandate it. I have a patch of new grass I’m trying to grow. Challenging in these conditions. Good thing I’m on well water.
Speaking of corn height. On June 2 I saw corn knee high already in MD. Before I left it was waist high. If the corn gets moisture, in this hot weather it can grow super fast.
Go ahead and press play before proceeding. Moving wood on the hottest day of the year. It’s sultry!! In all honesty I’m slacking off more than working. It’s Roscoes birthday so plenty of pool/hose time.
It’s only 90 here. Came in for lunch and it’s going to be a struggle to go back out to stack what I split.
Not a fun day for anything firewood. It was okay to goof off especially with a garden hose. Did a few hours of cutting, splitting and stacking. Came home soaked!
Stacked all that in the basement over the past days. Dew point finally dropped, it’s 52 right now (85 ambient). Time to make hay. Transferring another full row.
Last one. One more row and I’ll have some space to stack more splits. No. Beside my foundation there is a well room, for lack of a better term. It is also below my back porch. All that’s in there is the water well and pump/pressure tank/filter. The only exterior door is through that, so I toss splits from ground level down in there, then carry across to wood furnace room. Floor space it’s probably 8’x12-15’. That BL was cut down live. I’m surprised it dried to that level so quick. Curious to see if it picks up any content in my basement till this winter.
OH! you're talking Moisture Meter level, I thought it was Breath Alcohol Content Level. My bad. Rooting for ya man!!!
Out of curiosity what do you do with the bark that falls off when you throw it down? That usually makes a big mess for me.
Blood Alcohol Content??? He uses a moisture meter, not a breathalyzer Although Jason did work for a company that installed them in cars so mebbe it was a hybrid!