Little bit crazy but here we are. Since I’m laid off, why not? Figured I’d fill up my basement well area so I’d have something to do when the temp goes full meltdown. 2 trailer loads this morning of black locust. Turned into; Time to brave the heat. Just gettin all the locust for now.
It’s a chore that never ends. I bet the basement is nice and cool. Better to be stacking indoors than outdoors in the summer. Forgive me for not knowing what kind of work you do. Is the layoff temporary or long term?
Permanent layoff. I was an ignition interlock technician. For those that get DUI’s, the following suspension most times requires a breathalyzer be installed in their vehicle. Have to be below a certain breath alcohol content to enable start of the car. Most companies pay private garages to handle it now, unless state mandates corporate shops & employees. Only one I’m currently aware that’s like that is VA, and I did t want to commute that far. I had a line out on a potential job and set the hook really good, now I just have to reel it in. Waiting everyday for that email. And yes! It sure is nice and cool in the basement. Loading from stacks is in the shade as is the spot I throw wood in, so not too hateful. Took a break to cool the pup off. He loves the hose. Last 2 loads are in.
The Wood Wolverine hopefully the new job works out for you. More power to you working in this heat! Yesterday I heard a saw start up from someone over the hill from me. I started sweating ny a$$ off just hearing the saw run.
Shade and basement in the heat. Smart move. I have a bunch of wood that needs migrating too should you get bored again. All BL too.
Hopping mad, or hopping in anticipation? Way to redeem the time WW...I hear we have a change in the weather patterns coming this fall, supposed to be la nina (I think that was the term used) this winter, (colder) might need that locust! Good luck with the job hunt too!
Best of luck on the job prospect Jason. Certainly keep us posted. Excellent work on the wood and finding something to do that’s productive and enjoyable.
Good luck on the job prospect Jason. Yesterday I too was moving firewood but not stacking in basement. It was not hot here in the morning (around 70) and that is when I did most of the outdoor work. Then I loaded 3-100 lb propane tanks to go get them filled, followed by moving the filled tanks around the house. Was able to take care of everything before a light shower started. It is 66 this morning so I may get more outdoor work done.
Cord of locust in the basement doesn’t exactly smell pleasant. I remember having a basement full of apple, which was awesome. We could really use some rain! Yesterday the weather people said we’re looking at 6 more days above 90. If it keeps this up, grass will be brown in no time. Currently 72 degrees with 91% humidity. Very small chance of spotty showers Sunday.
Last year I fit 3.5 cords down there. I'll try to do a little at a time and get it filled up. This was the first time w/ the splits cut for the new wood furnace (21-24"), so some pieces I had to carry one at a time. Loading up that sling gave my legs a work out when standing up. This wood was bucked and blocked 11/9/21, split spring '22. Monster Black Locust I'll take a split back outside and split it for a moisture check.
I'm with you on working in the shade and hitting the basement for a break when it's hot out. We have wood racks in the basement for about a cord also. I need to get some in also, but still about a 1/4 cord of cherry from last season so it won't take too long. Good luck on the job search. Talented hard workers aren't out of work for long. I'm sure you'll be fine.
When it gets hot out, I use one of those soft floppy hats that you soak in water. They keep your head much cooler. I also use thin gloves and dip them in the pool when I walk by.
I remember that score very well. Time flies. Little at a time and it'll get done. The faster its done the faster the rack will be empty and you know what that means? That stuff is heavy at 16" splits. Glad I don't have to cut it that long!
I wear one of these Nike hats, usually with a dew rag underneath to soak up sweat. I’ll give the pool trick a try. Wood should be good to go! No lie, some are borderline too heavy. I did switch to cutting 16” so I can load E/W. The quartered blocks were just too much at that length. And you are spot on. I need room so I can start on my round mountain. Staging is stuffed preventing me from bringing home potential primo scores.