Fan belts on the Mack ( I sure would like to have a talk with the engineer). Brakes, drums, and seals on the tractor. Fuel lines on the dozer. Complete ac system on the hoe.
I finished the brakes, wheel seals and slack adjusters on the truck. Also installed new air lines from the truck to the trailer and repaired the ac. Then I replaced the compressor, dryer, and exp. valve on this Hamm roller.
Very rare that I can repurpose old siding to match. Some is more faded and some dinged up but does blend well. They may reside in a few years. My other option was to buy the same profile that only comes in white. Kinda wish I did as that old stuff was a real PITA to work with. Im short a bit and will buy the white and paint to match. Really don't have a choice. There is a couple piece left but so badly dinged I cant and wont use it. One of my pet peeves is seeing an addition that looks like an addition and not part of the original structure.
LOL!!! I have to make a step for the slider and he wanted me to extend it for the kitties so instead of 6' it will be 8' long. On the list of small things needed to finish it up.
Spent the day behind the windshield moving equipment around. Nice sunny day to ride with the windows down. It was nice to be out of the shop, even nicer I didn’t have and dumb 4 wheeler incidents. Don’t happen very often. Yealding to the vehicle on the highway when merging seems to be a thing of the past. Lately it’s been a race, with 60+’ of vehicle I’ll put your azz in the guardrail every time! Lol
Started up a small metal stud job today. Studs backordered or we woulda had the whole thing framed today.
Used up what siding I could. Had to PU more and will paint to match. Installed fan and light mounts. Removed the old storm door and some old water damaged sheathing from the existing house as he has electrical work to do. Have to wait for him to get his work done. Wont be back for a few days. Still have rain gutter, step and siding to finish. I think they decided on what they wanted to do inside. Extra work for me as it wasn't included.
Hey buZZsaw BRAD, wanna come down to AR bout mid August and help me build a new wood shed. It'll only be 110 degrees with 500 percent humidity.
Helped a friend move a small barn yesterday. He’s on the other side with his tractor Ripped out my old narrow walk way to the house and put a new one in. Should have done it right the first time. Still need to put the edgers in.
LOL!!! I don't fair well in those conditions, even in shade. Sawdust Man is close. Mebbe he can mill some nice cedar for it. He built a sweet building with cedar recently. Pic on here somewhere. All kidding aside, if I was close by I'd be more than happy to help.
I'm just messing with you. Me and a buddy are going to to build it first of October. I have a csm now so I'm going to make the headers out of a good straight pine log I have and the siding will be cedar I already have milled that a friend done for me. I have reclaimed two bys and tin so I'll be in it for not much money.
I love reclaimed stuff. The milled timbers are a nice touch. Be sure to post pics when you do please. I have TWO additions going on my bundle wood shed. Was supposed to do one in January but with all the rain it changed my plans around. It will be 8.5' x 10' and hold four cords. The other addition will be off the other end and be 4 x 8.5' and hold 1.5 cords. I have all the material (reclaimed except the roofing which is leftovers) for the small one and all the lumber for the other. Just need some metal roofing for it and I ain't buying it new. I have a roll of 4.5' x 75' pool metal I thought of using. Unconventional, yes, but it will shed water.
Yes. I've followed the thread about your shed. I want to cantilever the front out so I can split in the rain.
Smart idea. Yeah the 2' overhang in back is nice on mine. Set up the bundling jig and can assemble in the rain. I can just attach a partial sheet of plywood underneath and it will make better cover if need be.