So, what’s completely annoying is when your fridge decides to quit on a Sunday and you find out when you get home from grocery shopping! None of the box stores keep anything in stock and the mom and pop stores(I’d prefer to buy from) are closed! The lady in the appliance section at home cheapo actually laughed at me when I asked which one can I take home with me today!
The homedepot around here will accommodate you if you tell them it's an emergency. They may even have some on clearance that you could take home today.... Either way, it's a sucky situation to be in!
Thankfully we have an overflow fridge and a chest freezer that is currently empty. Some stuff, condiments and fruit mostly went into coolers. Lowe’s is delivering in our area tomorrow so a new one will be here tomorrow. I hate HD, that most likely will be the last time I go in there for personal purchases.
We've borrowed coolers and rotated blue ice blocks from an upright freezer in the basement. A few days got us through getting a new delivery.
To be honest this one has been nursed along for a bit. I probly should have looked for a replacement earlier… as long as the delivery contractor brings the correct one with no damage it will be fairly drama free. The last time my folks ordered a fridge from a box store they brought the wrong one out 3 times…we shall see. Either way it’s just another bump in the road.
BTDT last July, and this March! The fridge that was in my house when I bought it quit last summer, so I went to HD and got the biggest LG model that would fit in the space I had to work with. 8 months later it ____ the bed and of course I somehow lost the receipt in the interim. My wife looked into it a bit and supposedly there's an epidemic of newer LG's with compressor problems, among other issues. I went with a Frigidaire (and saved the electronic receipt this time) Good luck. At least it's not a bazillion degrees out yet.
Yeah, I have heard it’s best to steer clear from LG. We payed for the 5 year service plan…unfortunately it seems to be a necessity these days.
Yup, that's when ours quit! Marketplace/CL. Buy an older one if'll outlast 3 or 4 of the new ones...and all for a couple hundo usually! When ours quit last (chronicled here somewheres) I was able to find new parts on Ebay that was in stock less than an hour from here, and was able to get in touch with the seller right away and arrange an "offer" price and immediate pickup. Unfortunately that board did not fix the issue (my bad...didn't spend enough time on diagnostics) and it needed a simple evap motor...found one locally and hoped that it would be here second day (I had rigged up a computer fan as a temporary evap fan, so bought a lil time) but unfortunately they didn't even ship until Wed evening!!! Then they were sore when I ripped them on their feedback! I have a spare evap fan motor here now, since both the main fridge and the overflow in the basement use the same one (and they have both failed in the past) and also a spare control board now since I misdiagnosed last time...and I'll be glad about that if it saves my bacon someday (pun intended) If I understand it correctly, my MIL said the last several times they got appliances delivered from bLowes, the delivery guys were non english speaking (the driver just a bit) and she thinks the guy told her they deliver from a big regional warehouse for all the big box stores...they said their next stop was near Pittsburgh, and that's 2 hours away...home base, Cleveland OH!
Yup, if it was just me I’d find an alvacado green one from the 70’s someone was throwing out on a remodel and rock it. She doesn't try to tell me what lawnmower or chainsaw to buy so I don’t interfere with what she wants. The unit she picked has a 4.8 star with over 10k reviews that’s good enough for me.