Cool to see the Auroras the other day. Could very well be a one time thing. Hanging out with someone in town up north then the next night at home, both around 01:00. Break time in the barn, the starlings are back. Owl
Every good saw man needs a saw tree, nice. If that hasn’t been down and dry for literally years, spray your bar and chains with something to prevent rust. Owl
I'm going to try and save this little guy. It's a baby Osage Orange that sprouted from a couple of hedge apples I dropped in a cinder block back in the fall. I don't even know why I dropped them in there. I was going to cut them open and plant some of the seeds and never got around to it.
I shot a rabbit last night but couldn’t find it, this bruiser found it & was having it for dinner today.
Yes, they get all sugared up and then can't behave themselves. They fight like crazy over it. I have it hanging from a Mimosa and when it's in full bloom it's like an all out riot. I need to pick up a couple more and spread them throughout the yard to keep them separated.
Yes, they do! Zippin around squawkin n fightin...I always tell 'em to be careful or someones gonna end up with a beak up the wazoo!