No, not that kind but I do remember them as a kid! Got around to milling the cherry log I fell about 3 weeks ago. It was just too nice to buck into firewood. Put the 28” bar on the 394. Full comp, full chisel square ground chain to firewood angles. Had to buy a new 2x6 to make the first cut. Loaned my aluminum ladder out and haven’t gotten it back.
Thick ones are 2”, then I wanted to cut some at 1” but my sight was off and cut one at 3/4”. Made the correction and finished at 1”.
Used 3 loops of chain, one being Stihl. That one really left a nasty finish. Not sure why at this point. Quite a mound of dust. Leaf blower for reference. I spread it in the garden. Then got a call from a client, had to go back into work so I hauled these to the shop for sticker stacking. Stood one up against the truck for size reference. I usually get a decent finish so it was disappointing to see that one loop do so bad. Should smell up the shop nice for a while.
You mill up some nice slabs Jason. Air fresheners...FHC style! Gotta mill some chestnut oak. Love the aroma from that.
You have chestnut oak up for slabs? I have milled it and it smells great! That's what I made my sons work bench from.
Oops, forgot about that. Remember the bench just didn't realize it was CO. Whats on your milling bucket list?
Oak is no joke! Honestly it was a nice cherry log! I've had walnut, CO, apple, ash, maple, cherry, black gum, poplar, honey locust and several conifers. Hmm, what's left that I'd want boards from? I guess it would be really neat to cut some 1/4 sawn sycamore. I've used it wood working and love the look.
After hauling this to my place of employment to dry, I got the call most don’t want to get. I’m getting laid off and the company is closing my shop. So today I hauled it back home and rearranged my racks. Put some plastic pallets down to hopefully keep a flat surface.
Hard to like this one Jason. Really sorry to hear of the layoff. Will you be able to collect? $uck$ even more having to move those slabs.
Sorry Jason, I think we all are living on the edge of layoffs! If you need anything, ask. I am a poor man, but willing to help if your family needs it.
Yes I will. Giving me a decent severance then I probably will take some time off, unless the right situation presents itself. It was absolutely no surprise, which helps. They could have done this one year ago and I wouldn’t have been shocked. That means a lot and I greatly appreciate it Brian. They’re set to give me multiple months of severance and I can collect unemployment. I should have plenty of time to find a different career. My boss already put in a good word for me with the state. PA has what’s called the PA DUI Assn. Kind of like the police of all interlock companies operating in the state. That’s pretty much the only way I’d stay in the industry. We will see.
Yep, I’m not stressing about it at all. Whatever happens happens. Take some time to refine my stacks and hoard, do some wood working that I’ve wanted to do for years, maybe even ride the scooter a bit. Unless the right job finds me first. That happened for the motorcycle mechanic gig and the interlocks.
How about a nice twisted, wind blown, slow grown in an arid climate, Siberian elm with lots of crotches? That should have some really interesting grain and figure I would think!