Good morning, well I had to do it! Fired up the Fireview this morning to take the chill off, it was 60° in the house this morning so it was a perfect opportunity to light this off.... Nothing better than a chilly morning and the smell of fire in the house!
Uh....dat ain't right. Kidding aside, that's a nice stove. I'll do a fire if the house gets down to about 62-3 or below, depending on what ma nature has planned for the day. You'll be doing more of those soon enough.
That smell of firewood burning makes me grin every time I get a whiff while driving. Has been happening a lot around here lately. Lots of folks burn wood. Juz sumthin about that smell early in the monin' with a FHC coffee mug in yer hand...
And now the positioning battles for the best seat in the house begin! These dogs love the fire just as much as I do!
Two days ago it was cold enough to fire up. Lit up Ole' Betty for the first time and then ran outside to watch the smoke coming out of the chimney. And I bet I'm not the only one who does that...........................LOL
See me not having a unit makes me like really 62 or 60? I think when i get one i wont use it till we hit the mid 50's inside. Like we have been down in the upper 50's a few nights recently and I love it. But then again once I get a stove as nice as yours dylskee i may want to fir it off at 68! I also have a feeling my dogs and cat will be fighting for the best position as well.
ha, normally the battles in my house are twixt the cats and dog we've had. in early spring we got a new puppy, who at 8 weeks old established his boss status over the other dog at 8 weeks old he still can't beat her in their play fights, but he's clearly more dominant than her. he'll probably have front row unless he lets the girl or cats cuddle with him. ha, i do the same like you guys. i think my reason is to marvel at how little smoke i produce compared to other people in the area. i swear i think some of them burn only unseasoned wood, leaves, and trash. one of them will smoke up an 1/8 radius.
I cant wait to fire mine up, I would have had one last night too but its not installed yet, hope to rectify that in the next week.
No battles here one cat, he lays on his back in front of the stove with his feet sticking up in the air, getting his belly warm
Same thing here, I used to turn out at the end of our road with the old smoke dragon to look at the smoke coming out before I headed for work because it would take a bit longer to go smokeless.
Well low 80s around here this weekend so no chance of an inside fire but going to a bash tomorrow with a band and a huge outside fire so that helps a little......
I'm not really in a hurry for winter either, I'm a mole in the winter! But the upside to the cold weather is a nice warm toasty fire, and watching the oil truck pull up to all my neighbor's houses.....
Thanks! They are great dogs, INCREDIBLY spoiled too! The yellow lab is 8 and the black lab is 7 and they still act like puppies. I had all the floors refinished a couple years ago and as you can see, that back wall is still in the works. I had a huge brick hearth and surround covering that entire wall. I'm going to slap some trim on the wall and call it a day until next year, I plan to put some stone veneer on the wall. Got too much other stuff going on this year so that got pushed to the bottom of the list.