It is a 1 ton. 14 bolt rear, Dana 60 front, and very heavy duty rear springs. It does have a 4" lift also. This is how it sits empty...
I never knew they did SRW crew cab 1 tons back in the day..... That BBC stock or have you used the "peanut port" heads for boat anchors?
Unfortunately it still has the small port heads... And it's still subject to SMOG laws. I recently installed an RV cam and an Edelbrock intake, but it's still gutless. I also have a 2006 Cummins 3500 with a Smarty, so I dont worry about power too much in this old truck!
Got a quick load from a logger friend. Figuretheres maybe 2 cords. Cut to 16ft and have it loaded with a loader.!! All red oak..
Didn't use the truck Saturday... Used the mini dump... Just didn't want to make a pile on the ground, so threw it in there right off the splitter, till I could figure out what to do with it...
4 wheeler don't like it much heaped up, but yeah, you'd be hard pressed to overload the axles... And it still dumps!!
Brute force! you mean you can't pick up 4-6 ft oak logs some that are 12" dbh? No seriously a logger buddy that loaded my trailer with trees that would of just been left in the slash pile. They skidded them up and bucked them up with the buck saw on the loader and then loaded them onto the trailerfor me. I am a forester and handle timber sales so iI know where all the good stuff is I unloaded them by hand but had to cut a round off some of them to move um. I could of loaded 70% of them the size they were but unless you could drive to them its not worth the wear on you to do it. I can stand them on end and flip into the trailer...which is how I got them off. But if you had to move them any way it would be stupid to keep them so big.