Yes sir I am. It's mostly Red oak and White oak with a few Hickory and Cherry and a couple of Post oaks.
Is that pretty much the weight limit for a load? My BIL used to load that way and I always wondered why but never asked.
Yes. Actually feels kinda heavy for the trailer. Only reason I'm loading this way is because I'm going over some rough roads. Keeps em from rolling around.
Went ahead and made me another cross stack. That's all for today, got family stuff to attend. Happy hoarding folks.
With access to that machine, i'd cheat too! It would be fun to watch me try and run it considering I've never used anything like that.
I'm no production operator, but I do pretty good. Being the mechanic I always tell people I can drive anything but I'm not an operator
All firewood. I do have a csm coming from PA Dan . Looking forward to milling some eastern red cedar with the 394.
Yes sir. Still not what I want to haul in a trip. A 3/4 ton is going to be in my near future! Good pun also