Here's the test mule for tomorrow... A freak CS56 from the stumpy realm... Maybe some john Deere sexy can rub off on the chain..
Most of them I bought when Silvey was still in business. The Ziegelmeyer was pure luck as was the 510.
I will box up my 511ax in the morning , what's your address. You can send me your old silvey junk back in the same box. I will pay shipping this time
Files are in, RSL is in, and from the looks of these chains that are getting prepped with stoned square cutters that lost some serious weight by crafty hands and magical grinders - my chains wont do spit in the same log. This is another practice RS to square and I am getting much closer to a good sharp corner using the double bevel files .......... the wierd thing is that I can now use the 3 corner file way better than I was ..................