Did some work for a guy and he gave me an older MTD splitter. It had been sitting for quite awhile in overgrown weeds and before that it led a rough life it looks like. So far I've junked the motor and put a Honda on from a push mower I had here we rarely ever use, new hoses, and the last few days were spent figuring out the gibs. Have the adjustable side done but the fixed side has been giving me some trouble figuring out. Best I can tell the fixed gib MTD number is 781-0350a. When I look those up I see fixed gibs with bolt holes drilled right in the middle. The gibs on this one are offset drilled. I thought maybe they were just worn really bad but after studying them I think they're intentionally drilled off center. If anyone is familiar with what I'm talking about I'd appreciate any help/advice you can give me. For the time being I swapped those gibs vertically which will probably last a long time but I want to replace them altogether. I talked to MTD and, while helpful, they didn't really help me figure this out.
Yeah and I had found that one. I know that says new old stock but look at those bolt holes. They're so close to the edge they're stretched. Just doesn't look right to me and doesn't seem like something a new stock factory piece would look like. Also tripping me up.....why would it have the same part number as one that's drilled center?
I agree,it looks used to me. I can't explain it. Will the center drilled gib fit in both places? Loading up the Lopi Mike in Okla
Those holes look like that because they were punched, not drilled...when you are that close to the edge with that big of a hole, it'll stretch...OEM was possibly drilled...or sometimes the same part can have different vendors, and slightly different manufacturing techniques. (punch vs drilled)
That makes sense....hadn't even considered that. Any idea why the same part number would have both centered and offset holes? At this point I'm just trying to plan for the future ...after switching those top to bottom I'll get years out of it. Me and the youngest went out today and put it through it's paces. Did 4-5 wheel barrow loads of oak.
Thanks....I have some great kids that aren't afraid to put in some work. I think most parents would say that though. I have always loved cutting wood. My back just can’t handle it these days though so I have to limit what I do and lean on the kids alot. Just being around wood and splitting it is nice. I give quite a bit of it away to my older friends that heat with it. I just use it for campfires for myself but I go through a lot every summer and fall.
I’m not familiar with the term gib but it looks like flat stock with some holes in it? I’d be off a scrap yard or worst case a metal supplier and make them my self. Making it a teaching moment for the boy.
Thanks...I know that MTD and the cub cadet share parts. Seems like there's another brand also but I forget right off hand.