Nice! Brookies are my favorite fish to eat. Tasty little buggers. Lots of them in Colorado. It’s very common to catch them in basically puddles and 2 foot wide creeks all over the state. Really fun.
Yes, I meant to post it in the PM but I’ve been busy lately, must have forgot. As you can see I gingerly and with the utmost care took apart the 028 AV. But in all seriousness I was taking my time and had a pickle jar to save the fasteners. It was taking more than I had patience for. Unrelated last week my tractors transmission stopped working and I took a big red maul to the saw to decompress. No big loss it had a monster air leak and it doesn’t have a chain brake. Might as well get some lulz at the gtg with it.
Didn't think sardines were that large.....they'll never fit them into those cans!!!! Oops, I'm thinking of anchovies.....
I did not take these pictures but I did drive through that area over the weekend.... Ennis, TX., Bluebonnet Capital of Texas