Fully agree about that. Big red oak is full of nice easy splitting wood. They make nice stacks too. It's a far cry from elm that needs the full stroke of the splitter and then some sometimes. Heck, even most of my ash wood is from yard trees and can be a lot stringier than you'd expect.
Backwoods Savage would be proud of your choice of splitter design. Hard to beat some good red oak too!
I think it was actually a 200 cube straight 6. It was a' 79 as well , not a 78. Definitely not fast, but built like a brick and pretty dammed reliable . grandpas spare car that never got driven.
I have a 300 in a 78 F150. It's not fast but very tourqey down low and built like a caterpillar engine.
We had a 96 5 SPD 300 i6 F-150. Even with EFI and the top evolution of that engine, it wasn't quick, but they were torquey.
Replaced serpentine belt, idler pully and tensioner on Tippy yesterday. I'm hoping the idler pulley is what I was hearing. Find out once I get out with it in the next few days or this weekend.
Had a crew clearing 30 acres. The boss piled up some perfect sized red and white oak for me. I'll be getting it next week. Supposed to rain tomorrow and Friday so it will be to soft to get the truck and trailer in. Two different piles.
The company I work for now piles it up for me. So anytime the clearing crew asks if I want some logs I make sure to get them. Keep em on my good side.!